Tanit d'or

Tanit d'or

The Tanit d'or is the grand prize of the Carthage Film Festival, hosted biennially in Tunisia. The award is named for the lunar goddess of ancient Carthage and takes the shape of her symbol, a trapezium surmounted by a horizontal line and a circle.

Previous winners of the Tanit d'or include:

*1992: "La nuit" (Mohamed Malas, Syria)
*1994: "Les silences du palais" (Arabic: صمت القصور ) (Moufida Tlatli, Tunisia)
*1996: "Salut cousin" (Merzak Allouache, Algeria)
*1998: "Vivre au paradis" (Bourlem Guerdjou, Algeria)
*2000: "Dolé" (Imunga Ivanga, Gabon)
*2002: "Le prix du pardon" (Mansour Sora Wade, Senegal)
*2004: "A Casablanca, les anges ne volent pas" (Mohamed Asli, Morocco)
*2006: "Making-Off "(Arabic: آخر فيلم ) ( Nouri Bouzid, Tunisia)

External links

*fr icon [http://www.jccarthage.org/ Carthage Film Festival official site]

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