Wilts & Berks Canal Trust

Wilts & Berks Canal Trust

The Wilts & Berks Canal Trust is a registered charity no. 299595, and a waterway society based in Wiltshire, England, UK, concerned with the restoration of the Wilts & Berks Canal.

The aim of the Wilts & Berks Canal Trust

To protect, conserve and improve the route of the Wilts & Berks Canal, North Wilts Canal, and branches, for the benefit of the community and environment, with the ultimate goal of restoring a continuous navigable waterway linking the Kennet and Avon Canal near Melksham, the River Thames near Abingdon, and the Thames and Severn Canal near Cricklade.

See also

* Wilts & Berks Canal
* List of waterway societies in the United Kingdom
* Waterway restoration
* Waterway Recovery Group

External links

* [http://www.wbct.org.uk/ Wilts & Berks Canal Trust]
* [http://www.melkshamwaterway.org.uk/ WBCT — Melksham, Calne and Chippenham branch]
* [http://www.northwiltscanal.org.uk/ WBCT — Cricklade branch]
* [http://www.swindoncanals.co.uk/ WBCT — Swindon branch]
* [http://www.westvalecanal.org.uk/ WBCT — West Vale branch]
* [http://www.wantage-waterway.co.uk/ WBCT — East Vale branch]

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