Emil abossolo-mbo

Emil abossolo-mbo

Emil Abossolo-Mbo (born August 29, 1958) is a French television, theatre and film actor who has played in French, African and American productions.



Personal life

Abossolo was born in Yaounde, the capital city of Cameroon.His dad took him to the movies theatre when he was six years old. Since that day acting has been his passion. Emil Abossolo-Mbo has been living in France for over twenty years now.He has a son named Akeva.


Abossolo is a multi-lingual actor. He speaks 5 languages (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and his native language Beti). His career started on stage, where he played Hamlet, Titus Andronicus and La Tragedie du Roi Christophe.He starred in several French TV shows such as La Brigade des Mineurs and Plus Belle la VieInternationally he is mostly known for his appearances in the legendary TV show Highlander or the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.More recently, Emil has been playing in African productions.He played in Ezra the movie that received the 2007 Stallion of Yennenga at the FESPACO in Burkina Faso, West Africa.


* 2007:Hitman...(General Ajunwa)
* 2007:Ezra.... (Rufus)
* 2006:Sounds of Sand.... (Lassong)
* 2006:Africa Paradis .... (Yokossi)
* 2006:Juju Factory
* 2005:The Bloodiest...(Emile Abossolo)
* 2005:Kirikou and the Wild Beasts (voice) .... (The uncle)
* 2001:Love Bites .... (Baptiste)
* 2000:Workers for the Good Lord .... (Maguette)
* 1989:Mama, There's a man in your bed .... (The husband)


*2008:Plus belle la vie .... (Damien Mara) (58 episodes, 2005-2008)
*2007:Prédateurs, Les (TV) .... (Sassou N'Guesso)
*2002:Brigades des mineurs TV series ....
*1994-1997: Highlander .... (Jocko)
*1993:Joie de vivre, La.... (Arsène)
*1992:Young Indiana Jones Chronicles .... (Joseph)

External Links

*imdb name|id=0008865|title=Emil Abossolo-Mbo

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