- Andrés Almarales
Andres Almarales Manga, (
Cienaga ,Magdalena ,Colombia 1935- ,Bogotá November 1985) was one of the commanders of the19th of April Movement (M-19). Been born in Bog (Magdalena), it was member of theColombian communist party . Right study and I stand out like union leader in the Valley. Work with the socialist groups of Antonio Garcia and with the United front of the Town (in spanish Frente Unido del pueblo) of priestCamilo Torres . Received Haba guerrilla instruction in Cuba and communist countries of Europe.Life
He was one of the founders of the M-19 and representative to the camera by the Socialist Anapo.He's participate in the robbery of the arms of the North Corner and in actions armed in the south of the country. It recruited guerrillas and supporters in the union sector. Captured in the municipality of
Bolivar (Santander ) in 1979, the jail was put under verbal military in a the guilty Picota and found advice. Reinsertado to the Civil life, I dedicate myself to write works on the sindicalismo and soon in 1980 I help to plan the taking of the embassy of the Dominican republic. Later serious pardoned during the government ofBelisario Betancur .When in 1984 is assassinated
Carlos Toledo Plata in Bucaramanga was Almarales the one in charge to coordinate the funeral acts in the park Romero, in front of the central cemetery of that city, in that occasion insult to president Belisario Betancur and the directors of the newspaper the Time. It follows its bells in the country and recruited in San Alberto (To stop) young people for the armed movement. Soon he move to the Valley of the Cauca and collaborates in the wall the M-19 tended around Cali. In a popular manifestation organized by thePatriotic Union (Colombia) in the Plaza de Bolivar of Bogota, Almarales, pawned on a rude vocabulary, indicating by the press like of “culvert”, it offended President Betancur, to minister of GovernmentJaime Castro and of the state of right in Colombia.The 24 of August of 1984 subscribed a pact of truce and stop to the fire with the government of President Betancur. In that opportunity, in front of all the television networks it declared: “As of today a drop but of blood on the part of the subversion in this country was not spilled".
A radical and capable picture in negotiations, Almarales participates in the insolvent process of peace. Later it carries out the taking to the Palace of Justice in which dies next to
Luis Otero Cifuentes andAlfonso Jacquin . There are two versions with respect to its death:#Most well-known: he dies together committing suicide in the bath of the Palace with the hostages.
#He goes along with guarded by the military to the house of the Florero in Bogota soon tortured and assassinated in the School of Cavalry of Usaquén (in spanish Escuela de Caballeria) and soon put new in the rest of the palace other deads.
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