Americos Industries

Americos Industries

Americos Industries is a leading firm in production and marketing of high quality products like enzymes, garment wash and textile specialty chemicals, auxiliaries, smart colourants, and dyestuffs. It is headquartered at Ahmedabad, a leading textile city of Gujarat and the denim capital of India. Americos has been exporting to several regions of the world and is, therefore, able to understand and respond quickly to its customers' needs, no matter where those customers are. They have a regional office at New Delhi and a dealer network spread all over the world.

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* [ Americos Industries]

Americos is an innovative company developing high quality textile and garment specialty chemicals, finishing chemicals, auxiliaries, smart colorants, dyestuffs, and enzymes for textiles, food processing and pharmaceutical industries. The network of Americos footprints India and is continuously expanding business locations worldwide to serve its customers in real time. Fueled and fired by creativity, Americos constantly develops new products and services in textiles wet and dry processing to meet burgeoning demands of its customers.

Galvanized by a State-of-the-Art R&D and production centers, its experienced scientists and experts fructifies the latest and the next innovations in garment and textile wet and dry processing.

Americos consultancy is sought after by its customers around the world for creation of new fashions in garments/fabrics with its Concept Driven Chemicals, which facilitates them to lead in their respective fields. The success of Americos work is due to the expertise of its staff members who recognize challenges the customers face, they tailor the products to customers' exact specifications and collaborate with them to come up with unique and effective solutions.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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