The Régie Immobilière de la Ville de Paris (also known as the RIVP) is a public housing agency created in 1923 for the construction of low cost and affordable housing. They manage buildings with average rents for use by the middle classes on land made available by the demolition of old fortifications of Paris, France.

The mission objectives of the RIVP are as follows:

* To ensure the construction, the maintenance and management of rental real estate programs, mainly in the domaine of social housing for the City of Paris and the Assistance Publique.
* To ensure the achievement of public facilities in terms of project management.
* To execute maintenance work and to improve the heritage of the RIVP.
* To develop construction activity operations, and social accession to the property.

The City of Paris became the majority stakeholder of RIVP in 2007. Currently, the RIVP presidency is chaired by Pierre Castagnou.The RIVP featured in the news for hosting a good chief of staff, Christine Boutin, who had recently submitted her resignation.fact|date=September 2008

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