

Bachatango, also known as Modern Bachata/ Sexy Bachata/ Sensual Bachata, a is a style of dance that fuses the Dominican Bachata music, that is danced with a four-step beat, with Argentine Tango moves, such as; elaborated kicks, dips, turns and long pauses. The dance is characterized by the sensual hip and body movements. Partners hold each other in a closed position where the female’s inside right thigh is in contact with the inside of the male's right thigh. , while using the hand placements of typical Latin style dances.


With the popularization of Bachata music, dancers worldwide tapped into the romantic side of Bachata finding new ways of expressing their passion. In 2002, as Bachata began to be played on radio worldwide, dancers learned the basic four-steps to the dance and began to elaborate as they felt would express their passion. Although, the dance style utilizes Bachata music it is rarely danced amongst Bachata dancers or in the Dominican Republic. With the quick progression of this style, it is now being danced to both Bachata and Tango and it is seen in Bachata competitions worldwide.

Dancing Bachatango

The basic steps are the same 8 count as Bachata only that it produces a side to side motion, while occasionally moving back and forth. Counts 1 - 3 and 5 - 7, when taken, generate a natural hip sway. Counts 4 and 8 will be used to add Tango styling. Depending on a person’s style and expression, is executed by a leg lift, kick, hook, long pause, dip or other personal styling preference that will add to the sensuality of the dance.

Basic Dance Steps; Start with the male making a chasse to the right and the female toward the left. Then follow the counts (provided from the male’s perspective/ the female would be opposite to what is shown);

1 – Step (toward the right)

2 – Step (together)

3 – Step (toward the right)

4 – POP (lifting left leg)

5 – Step (toward the left)

6 – Step (together)

7 – Step (toward the left)

8 – POP (lifting right leg) and repeat.

"(Note: In a closed position, steps can be made very small, without the feet lifting but retaining the “pop” movement of the hips.)"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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