Institute for Strategy and Reconciliation

Institute for Strategy and Reconciliation

The Institute for Strategy and Reconciliation (ISR) is a non-profit international institution approved both by the U.S government and the Minister of Reunification of the Republic of Korea. Founder: Type: Non-for-profit think tankFoundedKey People: Asaph Young Chun (President), Rhee, Syngman (President), Inhwa Sohn (Chairman)Tel: 202.255.0603Fax: 301.570.0911Address: 19017 Dellabrooke Farm Way, Brookeville, MD 20833Website:

ActivitiesISR Sends Developmental Humanitarian Aid to DPRK: Report on Phase I of ISR Programs in DPR Korea and the United States (1998 – 2004)

Medical and Health Aid Programs in DPR Korea From 1998 to 2004, ISR has sent over $21 million value of essential medicines and medical supplies in eight shipments to DPR Korea. Our target beneficiaries are children, elderly, pregnant/nursing women, and disabled. The ISR “Reconciliation Ambassadors with Medicines” (RAMs) have made periodic visits to DPR Korea to observe beneficiaries of medical distribution, and assess the nation’s needs for sustainable health and education. Reports are periodically documented in the UN relief web.

Research and StudiesFrom 1998 to present, ISR has presented over 120 analysis briefings of DPR Korea issues and policy options to governmental and nongovernmental institutions, UN agencies, the NGO community, and international gatherings of stakeholders to help improve engagement between DPRK and the United States. Audience of ISR briefings included US Department of State, US Agency for International Development, House International Relations Committee, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and European Union among others.

Washington North Korea ForumISR has hosted 14 forums since 1999 on critical issues of DPR Korea on Korea policies, presidential summit between North and South Korea, American policies toward Korea, economic development, public health, long-term relief and development, and energy rehabilitation among others. The forum featuring influential senior governmental and non-governmental policymakers is the meeting place of all concerned about Korean issues, encouraging frank discussions on Korea policy options. CNN, CSPAN and major international media covered the forums.

Advocacy and Partnership ISR coordinated a national advocacy campaign in 1998 to appeal the US government to send 500,000 tons of American wheat surplus to DPR Korea. The US government provided 300,000 tons of wheat aid to DPR Korea. The ISR is a founding member of the InterAction North Korea Working Group, a consortium of about 30 international NGOs working in DPR Korea. ISR highly values partnership with international NGOs and UN agencies.

The KEDO LWR Project and its Potential Benefits in Preparing North Korea for RehabilitationThe United States (US), the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Japan formed KEDO in 1995 to implement the Agreed Framework signed between the US and the DPRK in 1994. Under the Agreed Framework,the DPRK agreed to “freeze” and eventually dismantle its production reactors in return for two proliferation resistant commercial nuclear reactors of the light water type (LWR) and 500,000 metric tons of heavy fuel oil each year, until the first LWR unit goes into operationMissionThe Institute for Strategic Reconciliation is an independent, not-for-profit think tank seeking to restore reconciliation where conflict exists by engaging in scientific, cultural, educational, humanitarian, and religious research and studies. The ISR addresses policy challenges promoting international and national reconciliation, and facilitates conflict resolution policy developments in civilian and government programs. The ISR’s foundational philosophy is reconciliation as called by Christ Jesus.

Reconciliation Vision 2020The institute for Strategic Reconciliation shall be the most powerful resource of information, research, and experience by the year 2020 to fulfill global responsibilities of reconciliation. These responsibilities will be carried out by a new generation of reconciliation builders empowered to give up their own comfort, volunteer professionals prepared to build up a new generation of reconciliation leadership, and American enterprises transformed to use up their strength and diversity in producing sustainable reconciliation and peace.

Program ObjectivesThe ISR’s program focus in 2000 – 2002 is on conducting both the humanitarian research and the U.S public policy research and studies. The humanitarian research includes research of food relief, sustainable agricultural development, and restoration of public health, infrastructure in DPR Korea, and other humanitarian crisis regions in Asia and Europe. The U.S public policy research includes research of policy-educational programs in governments and think tanks to empower Asian Americans, and research of American educational resources to assist foreign students studying in the States. Other programs meeting the ISR mission are considered.

Legal StructureThe ISR’s organizational structure consists of a board of trustees, and an advisory council. The ISR’s research programs and management are implemented by fully abiding the U.S laws and being transparent to the public. Finances and AuditThe Institute’s operating budget is provided by corporate and individual donors. The institute programs also are supported by grants and endowments made by private foundations and governments. The institute’s annual finance report is audited by a certified public accountant.

Institute OperationsThe following centers and affiliated researchers implement the institute programs.

 Center for Advancement of Relief and Development (CARD0 Center for Public Health Studies Center for Foreign Policy Studies Center for Economic Studies Center for Educational Programs Center for Information Technology Center for Legal Studies Center for Survey Research (Gallup Global, INC)

Education and TrainingReconciliation Academy "Periodic educational program equipping Reconciliation Ambassadors with Medicines - RAMs who serve in regions of humanitarian crisis or conflicts" Reconciliation Essay Contest "Annual writing contest motivating students in K-12 to be leaders and partners of reconciliation profession" Professionals without Borders "Annual conference of professionals studying in the United States who come from countries divided currently or reunitedPublicationISR in the UN Relief web: Humanitarian Activities in DPR Korea

Pyongyang Summit of the Two Koreas towards Reconciliation and Unity, and New American Policies towards DPR Korea: Washington North Korea Roundtable 7 (May 15, 2000)

The United States is Advised to Send 500,000 tons of Surplus Wheat to North Korea (August 15, 1998)

Think Tanks on Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Carter Center ConflictNet DiploNet, Focusing on the needs of diplomats in the post cold-war periodGlobal Peace and Conflict Studies, UC Irvine Program on Negotiation, Harvard Law School US Institute of PeaceThink Tanks on Other Major IssuesAmerican Enterprise InstituteHeritage FoundationCato InstituteFamily Research CouncilHoover Institution

Government OrganizationUS Department of StateUS Agency for International DevelopmentUS Congressional Directory

Resources for Reconciliation and PeaceInstitute for Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University Video Project, Media For a Safe and Sustainable World

Special ProgramsUSA Engage, Speaking out for American engagement overseasDefense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues, Inc.

External LinksISR in the UN ReliefwebWashington Post New York TimesCNN

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