- Euro Quebec hydro hydrogen project
The Euro Quebec hydro hydrogen project (EQHPV) was a 100 MW pilot project to study the shipping of Canadian
hydropower converted viaelectrolysis intohydrogen and the shipping of the hydrogen toHamburg , Germany. [ [http://www.hyweb.de/Knowledge/Projekte/ProjektNr190.html Proposal] ] [ [http://www.lbst.de/index__e.html?http://www.ludwig-boelkow-stiftung.de/services/projects-e/EQHHPP_92.htm 1992] ] . The time frame of phase B was 1992 to 1997. [ [http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3023144 Phase B] ] .The method of transport is a
hydrogen tanker that carries smaller highly insulated hydrogen tanks filled withliquid hydrogen .ee also
Hydrogen economy References
External links
* [http://www.hydrogen.co.uk/h2/euro_quebec_h2project.htm The Euro-Quebec Hydro-Hydrogen Project]
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