Far East Broadcasting Company

Far East Broadcasting Company

Far East Broadcasting Company
First broadcast:June 4, 1948
Daily broadcasts:650+ hours
Webcasts: [http://www.hmongradiofebc.com/index_hmd.php FEBC Hmong Radio]
[http://www.yaski.co.id/ FEBC Indonesia]
[http://www.febcjp.com/ FEBC Japan]
[http://www.febc.or.kr/ FEBC Korea]
[http://www.mienradio.com/ Mien Radio]
[http://www.febc.ph/ FEBC Philippines ]
[http://www.febc.org.ru/live/index.shtml/ FEBC Russia ]
[http://www.febaltd.com/ Feba Singapore ]
[http://www.feearadio.net/ FEBC Taiwan ]
[http://www.febcthailand.org/ FEBC Thailand ]
[http://www.dainguonsong.com/ns/ Nguon Song Radio Vietnam ]

Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC) is an international radio network that airs Christian programs in 149 languages. Broadcasts are aired from shortwave, mediumwave (AM), and FM transmitters located throughout the world.
The organization also works to meet the physical needs of its listeners by providing scholarships, holding marriage seminars, and distributing items such as seedlings (helping a family grow their own food) and bicycles (transportation for students or pastorss).
Although many listeners live in very remote locations, FEBC receives more than 850,000 listener responses in the form of visits to the station, letters, text messages, phone calls and emails.

FEBC's Mission

FEBC's Mission [http://febc.org/about/core_values.html] is to develop radio programming and deliver it to listeners in such a way that they move toward Jesus Christ and into His Kingdom, that they know Him as Saviour, Lord, and King, follow His teaching, and live in obedience to Him as His servants, and as members of a local body of believers.


FEBC 's history [http://febc.org/about/history.html ] dates back to the close of World War II, when countless soldiers were returning from the conflict in the Pacific, newly aware of the great spiritual needs of Asia.

John Broger and Bob Bowman were among those who had felt called of God to set up a radio ministry in Asia even before the war. They envisioned a ministry that would bring the Gospel to the millions of Asia. One country especially was on their hearts: China!

Incorporated in 1945, FEBC's very first broadcast aired from a station in Shanghai. But this was to be short-lived. By early 1948 all mission work in China was winding down and an alternative site was sought.

John Broger searched Asia for a likely place to locate FEBC's radio ministry and decided on the Philippines. Ideally located in the South China Sea, the Philippines had much to offer.

The Philippines at that time was developing its own independence from the USA and the young nation was more than willing for FEBC to establish operations there. The first broadcasts, over local station KZAS (now known as DZAS went on the air in Manila on June 4, 1948.

International broadcasts to China were to start the following year and have since expanded to cover most of Southeast Asia, as well as Russia. FEBC’s sister company, Feba Radio, broadcast programs in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

FEBC's work has grown such that there are both AM and FM stations worldwide, 41 total. And programs continue to be broadcast via short wave from two major transmitter sites: Philippines and Saipan in 149 languages worldwide.

Statement of Faith

[http://febc.org/about/core_values.html ] FEBC is an extradenominational radio ministry enterprise for the sole purpose of taking the Good News to the world by radio. In so doing, it seeks to cooperate with and support existing missionary efforts and the ministry of the greater body of Christ worldwide.

FEBC believes that Gospel radio ministry should present a consistent message for the edification of others. Cooperation in such an enterprise as this may be achieved and maintained only by loyalty to a common and positive agreement in the broadcast message. In Christ we have fellowship with Evangelical denominations and missionary groups, and base our cooperation upon the following great truths of the Bible.

FEBC Stations in the Philippines

FEBC Partners & Links

DZAS - FEBC Stations in the Philippines

DYFR - FM Station in Cebu City, Philippines

Feba Radio - FEBC's sister company in the United Kingdom

[http://www.febc.org.au/ FEBC Australia]
[http://www.febcchinese.org/ FEBC China]
[http://www.hmongradiofebc.com/index_hmd.php FEBC Hmong Radio]
[http://www.febchk.org/ FEBC Hong Kong]
[http://www.yaski.co.id/ FEBC Indonesia]
[http://febcintl.org/home/index.php FEBC International]
[http://www.febcjp.com/ FEBC Japan]
[http://www.febc.or.kr/ FEBC Korea]
[http://www.liangyou.net/ FEBC Liangyou]
[http://www.mienradio.com/ Mien Radio]
[http://wind.reuhkala.com/ Wind FM Mongolia]
[http://www.febc.ph/ FEBC Philippines ]
[http://www.febaltd.com/ Feba Singapore ]
[http://www.feearadio.net/ FEBC Taiwan ]
[http://www.febcthailand.org/ FEBC Thailand ]
[http://www.dainguonsong.com/ns/ Nguon Song Radio Vietnam ] [http://www.feba.org.uk Feba Radio]



"Eyes Beyond the Horizon" by Eleanor Bowman with Susan Titus ISBN 0-8407-7235-1
[http://www.febc.org Far East Broadcasting Company]
[http://febcintl.org/home/index.php FEBC International]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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