

The Städel, officially the "Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie", is an art museum in Frankfurt am Main, with one of the most important collections in Germany.

The Städel owns 2,700 paintings (of which 600 are displayed) and a graphical collection of 100,000 drawings and prints as well as 600 sculptures. It has around 4,000 m² of display and a library of 100,000 books and 400 periodicals.


The Städel was founded in 1818 by the Frankfurt banker and merchant Johann Friedrich Städel. In 1878, a new building, designed according to the Gründerzeit style, was erected on Schaumainkai street, presently the major museum district. In 1937, 77 paintings and 700 prints were confiscated from the museum when they were declared to be "degenerate art" by the National Socialists. In 1939, the collection was moved out of Frankfurt to protect it from damage in World War II. The gallery was substantially damaged by air raids in World War II and it was rebuilt by 1966 according to a design by the Frankfurt architect Johannes Krahn. An expansion building for the display of 20th-century work and special exhibits was erected in 1990, designed by Gustav Peichl. Small structural changes and renovations took place from 1997 to 1999.


The Städel has European paintings from seven centuries, beginning with the early 14th century, moving into Late Gothic, the Renaissance, Baroque, and into the 19th and 20th centuries. The large collection of prints and drawings is not on permanent display and occupies the first floor of the museum. Works on paper not on display can be viewed by appointment.

The gallery has a conservation department that performs conservation and restoration work on the collection.


Well-known works

* Jan van Eyck, "Lucca-Madonna", 1390–1441, Mischtechnik auf Eichenholz, 66 x 50 cm
* Oberrheinischer Meister, "Paradiesgärtlein", between 1400 und 1420, mixed technique on oak, 26 x 33 cm
* Sandro Botticelli, "Weibliches Idealbildnis", 1480–85, mixed technique on poplar wood, 82 x 54 cm
* Bartolomeo Veneto, "Weibliches Idealbildnis", between 1500–1530, mixed technique on poplar wood, 44 x 34 cm
* Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, "Die Blendung Simsons", 1636, oil on canvas, 205 x 272 cm
* Jan Vermeer van Delft, "Der Geograph", 1669, oil on canvas, 53 x 47 cm
* Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, "Goethe in der römischen Campagna", 1787, oil on canvas, 164 x 206 cm
* Edgar Degas, "Orchestermusiker (Musiciens à l'orchestre)", 1872, oil on canvas, 69 x 49 cm

The museum also features works by the 20th-century German artist Max Beckmann.


* Eva Mongi-Vollmer: "Meisterwerke im Städel Museum". Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main 2007. ISBN 3-9809-7013-2
* Bodo Brinkmann: "Das Städel, Frankfurt am Main". Prestel Verlag (Prestel-Museumsführer), München 1999, ISBN 3-7913-2204-4
* Bodo Brinkmann und Stephan Kemperdick: "Deutsche Gemälde im Städel 1500-1550 (Kataloge der Gemälde im Städelschen Kunstinstitut Frankfurt am Main, hrsg. von Herbert Beck und Jochen Sander). Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2005, ISBN 978-3-8053-3350-4

External links

* [ Das Städel] including [ information in English]

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