Idaea humiliata

Idaea humiliata

name = Idaea humiliata

image_width = 240px
image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Lepidoptera
familia = Geometridae
subfamilia = Sterrhinae
genus = "Idaea"
species = "I. humiliata"
binomial = "Idaea humiliata"
binomial_authority = Hufnagel, 1767
The Isle of Wight Wave "(Idaea humiliata)" is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is found in Europe. This species was found on the Isle of Wight but became extinct around 1931. There was one sighting in Portsmouth in 1954 but the moth seems extinct in the UK at the present time.

The species has a wingspan of 19-22 mm. The adults fly in one generation in July ref|flight_season.

The larvae feed on knotgrass, dandelion and dock in captivity. It is unknown what the natural foodplant is.


#Note|flight_season"The flight season refers to the British Isles. This may vary in other parts of the range."

External links

* [ Isle of Wight Wave at UK Moths]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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