

Somayanur is small village located 15 km from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Somayanur has a population of 2,500.

There are many townbuses are from Coimbatore. All the Anaikatty buses will pass through Somayanur. Anaikatty is at the border of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.


Somayanur Village located near Chinnathadagam. The climate is dry and hot, rainy during May-July and October-November. Temperatures during the summer reach maximum 38 and minimum of 22 degrees Celsius. Winter temperatures between 37 to 14 degrees Celsius

This village is surrounded by mountains. The Salim Ali Center for Ornithology and Natural History is located at Anaikatty in Coimbatore district.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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