Marina Petrella

Marina Petrella

Marina Petrella (born 23 August 1954) is a former member of the terrorist Italian left wing group the Red Brigades.[1]


A former school teacher in the middle of the 1970s she joined a terrorist group named the Brigate Rosse. Together with her husband, Luigi Novelli, she was arrested twice. However she was not jailed because a verdict was not reached in time. In 1993 she left Italy to avoid arrest following her conviction for the killing of a policeman, various attempted murders and other minor offenses. She moved to Paris where, thanks to the Mitterrand doctrine, she started a new life. She was arrested by the French, but the government of Nicolas Sarkozy announced that Petrella would not be extradited to Italy on medical grounds.[2]


  1. ^ Article about Marina Petrella on Italian Wikipedia
  2. ^ BBC News (2008-10-13). Bruni backed Red Brigades woman. BBC News. Retrieved on 2008-10-13 from

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