Edward McKnight Kauffer

Edward McKnight Kauffer

Edward McKnight Kauffer (14 December 1890 – 22 October 1954) ["Edward Leland McKnight Kauffer." The Concise Grove Dictionary of Art. Oxford University Press, Inc., 2002. Answers.com 06 Aug. 2008. [http://www.answers.com/topic/kauffer-e-dward-leland-mcknight] ] was an influential American-born artist noted for his avant garde graphic design and poster art, especially in England.

Kauffer was born in Great Falls, Montana. By the 1910, he had moved to San Francisco working as a bookseller, studying art at the Mark Hopkins Art Institute from 1910 to 1912. [ [http://www.designmuseum.org/design/page73064] ] At around this time, Professor Joseph McKnight of the University of Utah became aware of Kauffer and his work. McKnight chose to sponsor Kauffer and paid to send him to Paris for further study. In gratitude, Kauffer took his sponsor's name as a middle name.

Kauffer stopped in Chicago for six months in 1912-1913 and studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. While there he witnessed the Armory Show, one of the first major exhibitions to introduce the styles of post-modernism to American audiences. This likely had a major impact on Kauffer, who would work in many of the same styles throughout his career.

He arrived in Paris in 1913 and studied at the "Académie Moderne" until 1914. He moved to London upon the start of the World War, and remained there for most of his career. He was briefly associated with Robert Bevan's Cumberland Market Group.

Kauffer may be best known for the 140 posters that he produced for London Underground, and later London Transport. The posters span many styles: many show abstract influences, including futurism, cubism, and vorticism; others evoke impressionist influences such as Japanese woodcuts. ["Edward Leland McKnight Kauffer." A Dictionary of Modern Design. Oxford University Press, 2004, 2005. Answers.com 06 Aug. 2008. [http://www.answers.com/topic/kauffer-e-dward-leland-mcknight] ] [ [http://www.ltmcollection.org/posters/artist/artist.html?IXartist=Edward+McKnight+Kauffer] ]

He created posters for other British clients, and also illustrated books and book covers. Later he also became interested in textiles, interior design and theatrical design.

He returned to New York City in 1940 at the beginning of the next World War and tried to find work in advertising. He struggled in the more competitive atmosphere until he was approached to do a series of posters for American Airlines in 1947. It remained his primary client until his death in 1954. [ [http://www.aiga.org/content.cfm/medalist-emcknightkauffer] ]


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