- Lila T. Abaunza
Lila T. Abaunza de Bolaños. (
January 29 1929 -July 17 2008 ) was theFirst Lady ofNicaragua from 2002 until 2007 and the wife of the formerPresident of Nicaragua ,Enrique Bolaños . cite news |first=|last=|title=Lila Abaunza, former Nicaraguan first lady, dies at 79 |url=http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/07/18/news/Nicaragua-Obit-Abunza.php|work=Associated Press |publisher=International Herald Tribune |date=2008-07-19 |accessdate=2008-07-25] She was well noted for her charitable work.Biography
Abaunza was born in
Masaya ,Nicaragua , member of a prestigious family. Her father was Alexander Abaunza Espinoza, President of the Congress of Nicaragua and Public Work Minister and Agriculture in thePartido Liberal . Her mother was Esmeralda Abaunza Solórzano.Abaunza studied at the La Asunción College in
Managua and the Sacred Heart Preparatory Menlo Park, inCalifornia ,USA .In 1949 she married
Enrique Bolaños Geyer . Their five children were Enrique José, Lucía Amanda, Jorge Alejandro (deceased, 2005), Javier Gregorio (deceased, 2007) and Alberto (deceased, 1972).Lila de Bolaños spent much of her life undertaking charitable work and helping the poor and destitute. As wife of the President she contributed to aid in hospitals, visiting asylums of the old, giving medical support and campaigning to restore old buildings, particularly those destroyed by disasters such asHurricane Mitch . She did much work with disabled people.In June 2008 she was transported by air from
Miami to her home in El Raizón about 22 miles outsideMasaya after undergoing a serious deterioration in health. During this period she was reportedly in much pain and died on July 17 2008 after an illness of some seven weeks. Her funeral took place on July 19 and she was buried at a cemetery in the suburbs of Managua.References
External links
* [http://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/politica/21855 El Nuevo Diario: Goodbye to Lila T. de Bolaños] (Spanish)
* [http://www.diariolasamericas.com/news.php?nid=57390 Doña Lila T. deja un legado social importante] (Spanish)
* [http://actualidad.terra.es/sociedad/articulo/fallece-enrique-bolanos-2631711.htm Wife of former Nicaraguan President Enrique Bolaños dies]
* [http://orlando.elsentinel.com/patria/oes-12658582jul18,0,7834169.story El Sentinel (Orland, Fl): Former Nicaraguan First Lady Lila T.de Bolaños Dies]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.