László Rajk Jr.

László Rajk Jr.

László Rajk Jr. is an architect and designer born in 1949 in Budapest, Hungary.

Son of the most known show trial victim, Hungary's foreign minister László Rajk. Famous in his own right for anti-regime activities. As an architect, he became the member of the Hungarian avantgarde movement. From 1975 he joined the Democratic Opposition, the underground political movement in Hungary, therefore from 1980 he was blacklisted, and was not allowed to work under his own name. In 1981 with Gábor Demszky (Mayor of Budapest from 1990) he founded the independent, underground AB Publishing House, and ran an illegal bookstore from his apartment called "Samizdat Boutique". In 1988 he was one of the founder of the Network of Free Initiatives and the liberal party, the Alliance of Free Democrats, and served six years in Hungarian Parliament after free elections in 1990. Recently working as an architect and a production designer for films and teaching film architecture at the Hungarian Film Academy in Budapest. Chevalier dans l'Ordre National du Merite, (1999, France)

= =Works= =


2007 Aquincum museum new building

2006 Veszprém 1956 memorial park and monument

2006 Studio K theatre - new theatre interior 2004 reconstruction and Hungarian exhibition in cell block 18 at Auschwitz-Birkenau museum

2004 reconstruction of Budapest classicist building

2004 restoration workshops and research centre at Aquincum Museum

2002 Lehel Csarnok hall

1999 Aquincum Museum directorate and restoration centre

1999 reconstruction of Budapest Moulin Rouge 1998 reconstruction of Viennese Collegeum Hungaricum(with János Balázs & Írisz Borsos) 1996 interior reconstruction of Budapest Corvin cinema

1995 Budapest Studio K Theatre interior work

1989 Imre Nagy and martyrs of 1956 instillation for new cemetery (with Gabor Bachman) 1984 Studio space at Mihály Károlyi institute Vence headquarters (with Gábor Bachman and Bálint Nagy)

1981 KÉV Siófok factory building

Film sets

Over 25 years experience in building filmsets for international and Hungarian films and documentaries including: 2006 Mikael Salomon: „The Company” 2002 Roger Young: „Dracula”

2000 Giles Foster: „Prince and the Pauper”

2000 Gothár Péter: „A leghidegebb éjszaka” 1998 Joseph Sargent: „Crime and Punishment”

1997 John Irvin: „When Trumpets Fade”

1992 Tony Gatlif: „Latcho Drom”

1989 Costa Gavras: „Music Box”

1988 Walter Hill: „Red Hit”

1988 Rick King: „Forced March”

1987 Sándor Pál: „Miss Arizona” (with Gabor Bachman)




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