Naked Justice (Patrick Fillion)

Naked Justice (Patrick Fillion)

Naked Justice is a fictional character in the Naked Justice and Guardians of The Cube comic book series created by Patrick Fillion.



While on a vacation in the deserts of Egypt, a young and adventurous Felix Himner, seeking a break from his harsh and disapproving parents, found himself in the presence of the ancient Pharaoh, King Cock-A-Tut. The Pharaoh endowed Felix with tremendous, ancient power, thus forever transforming him in to the incredibly hung Naked Justice. It is not known why Felix was chosen to receive this power, but one thing is certain, since his transformation, Naked Justice has taken a serious bite out of crime in Gateway City.

Recently arrested for indecent exposure, Naked Justice was thrown into prison. Jeanne Darque, leader of the Guardians of the Cube, busted him out of jail in order to make him a rather unique offer: become a member of the Guardians of the Cube.

Since joining the group, Naked Justice has enjoyed Jeanne Darque’s hospitality, and taken residence in her Manor, the home base of the Guardians. He has also had his name cleared of all charges by officer Pascale Dimorne, an ally of the Guardians.

It was clear from the moment that Naked Justice and Ghostboy met that they were very attracted to one another. The two men eventually became lovers, but their relationship was put on hold when Ghostboy’s body was usurped by the villain called Daddy Longlegs, leaving the heroes’ soul to wander the astral plane.

Naked Justice and the other Guardians of the Cube searched for their teammate for several months, but eventually gave Ghostboy up for dead. A shattered NJ has attempted to move on from the loss, but would not have to do so for long, for Ghostboy’s spirit returned in the body of a young woman, determined to get his male body back from the villain who stole it.

Try as he might, Naked Justice has not been able to be intimate with his lover while he inhabits the body of a woman. This has caused a severe rift between them, and though Ghostboy insists he can understand NJ’s point of view, he secretly resents him for not providing much needed comfort and reassurance.

Naked Justice has recently found his own comfort in the arms of fellow Guardian of the Cube, Space Cadet. Though neither Naked Justice or Ghostboy have ended their romance, whether it endure through this rough patch remains to be seen.


Naked Justice has a good heart, but is shallow and self-absorbed, and some might say, he has a bit of an overactive sex drive. His relationship with fellow Guardian Ghostboy has motivated some interesting changes in Naked Justice. For the first time in a long while, he actually seems to genuinely care for someone other than himself.

See also

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