

name = "Exellia"
fossil_range = fossil range|34Thanetian to Lutetian

image_width = 250px
image_caption =
domain = Eukaryota
regnum = Animalia
subregnum = Bilateria
phylum = Chordata
subphylum= Vertebrata
superclassis = Osteichthyes
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
subordo = Acanthuroidei
familia = Ephippidae
genus = "Exellia"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
* "E. velifer"
* "E. proxima"

"Exellia" is a genus of extinct spadefish that lived in the Tethys Ocean during the early Paleogene. The adult form is shaped akin to a large spadefish or a short dolphinfish, with very large pelvic fins, and a long dorsal fin starting from in front of the eyes to near the base of the caudal peduncle. The juvenile form resembles a juvenile drumfish, with the dorsal fin forming a long crest on top of the head.

The earlier species, "E. proxima", is known from the Danata Formation Lagerstätten from the Late Paleocene of Turkmenistan. The latter-occuring species, "E. velifer", is the better studied species, and is known from numerous adult and juvenile specimens from the Middle Eocene Monte Bolca Lagerstätten.

Most researchers regard "Exellia" as a spadefish, though, some remove this genus, and the related "Eoluvarus" [ [http://www.sil.si.edu/smithsoniancontributions/Paleobiology/pdf_lo/SCtP-0081.pdf] Phylogenetic Revision of the Fish Families Luvaridae and †Kushlukiidae (Acanthuroidei), with a New Genus and Two New Species of Eocene Luvarids] to a separate family, "Exelliidae."


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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