- Social Enterprise East Midlands
Social Enterprise East Midlands (generally known by the acronym SEEM) is an organization that exists to help foster an environment in the
East Midlands region wheresocial enterprise is encouraged to grow and enabled to develop.SEEM is an independent organisation with a board comprised of leaders of social enterprises, social enterprise support organisations and key stakeholder organisations. SEEM works to raise awareness of
social enterprise , to work with strategic partners to grow demand for social enterprise services, to encourage investment in social enterprises and to ensure that social enterprises are properly supported.Social enterprises provide a range of business models which seek to balance economic, social and environmental concerns. SEEM's promotion of social enterprise is intended to contribute to a regional economy which is resilient, inclusive and sustainable.
SEEM is one of a number of regional agencies working in the UK to promote and support social enterprise. Such agencies exist in the West Midlands, the South West, the East of England, London and the North East of England. Social Enterprise agencies also exist in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Whilst social enterprises have been a valuable part of the economy for many years, the social enterprise sector is seeking to capitalise on increased interest in the sector over recent years. This interest stems from a need to find more effective ways of dealing with market failure in marginalised communities and with social and financial exclusion. More generally, social enterprise is increasingly seen as a positive response to consumer interest in ethical consumerism as embodied in the Fair Trade movement.
In the East Midlands, awareness of social enterprise as a business model is particularly high (Ref. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Pub. London Business School). In part, this is likely to be as a result of the positive networks that have been developed between social enterprise agencies and the public sector.
SEEM's partners in the development of the social enterprise sector include:
Co-operatives East Midlands,Community Action Network,East Midlands Regional Development Agency,Social Firms East Midlands,Development Trusts Association,East Midlands ACRE network,Voice East Midlands (representing Black and Minority Ethnic voluntary and community sector agencies),One East midlands (representing voluntary and community sector organisations),Business Link East Midlands.
SEEM works with many other partners in the delivery of its work programmes, including Local Authorities, Primary Care Trusts, Forum for the Future, Sport England, East Midlands Business and East Midlands Regional Assembly.
SEEM is based in
Nottingham (UK) and covers the counties ofDerbyshire ,Lincolnshire ,Nottinghamshire ,Rutland ,Leicestershire andNorthamptonshire .SEEM is a member of the UK Social Enterprise Coalition.
External links
* [http://www.seem.uk.net SEEM web site]
*European Commission case study of SEEM's "BEST Procurement" EQUAL project: [http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/equal/data/document/etg2-suc6-seem.pdf]
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