- Macrotermitinae
name = Macrotermitinae
image_width = 210px
image_caption = Structure of a "Macrotermes natalensis " mound
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
classis =Insect a
subclassis =Pterygota
infraclassis =Neoptera
superordo =Dictyoptera
ordo = see text
familia =Termitidae
subfamilia = Macrotermitinae
subfamilia_authority = Kemner, 1934
subdivision_ranks =Genera
subdivision = 14, see textMacrotermitinae constitute a
subfamily of the harvester termites and allies (familyTermitidae ). Thetermite s are traditionally classified as order Isoptera, but have been found to be a subgroup of theBlattaria (roaches and allies) and conseqquently should be treated as part to this group; whattaxonomy entomologist s eventually will settle upon has not been decided yet.This subfamily consists of 14
genera and about 350species . They include "Macrotermes bellicosus ", whose hugelarva e can attain a length of 10.6 cm (4.2 in) and breadth of 5.5 cm (2.2 in), making them the largest existing termites. The adults, on the other hand, are about a third of the size.Genera
* "
Acanthotermes "
* "Allodontermes "
* "Ancistrotermes "
* "Euscaiotermes "
* "Hypotermes "
* "Macrotermes "
* "Megaprotermes "
* "Microtermes "
* "Odontotermes "
* "Parahypotermes "
* "Protermes "
* "Pseudacanthotermes "
* "Sphaerotermes "
* "Synacanthotermes "
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