- San Esteban, San Salvador
St. Stephen's Church (Iglesia San Esteban) is a historic
Roman Catholic temple in downtownSan Salvador ,El Salvador . It belongs to theRoman Catholic Archdiocese of San Salvador and its patron saint is the protomartyr,St. Stephen . Built 1880-1890, it was heavily damaged during the2001 El Salvador earthquakes and is currently closed pending repairs. [ [http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=464420 La iglesia de San Esteban, en el centro de San Salvador, detiene su proceso de restauración, financiado por CONCULTURA, por falta de recursos económicos] ] At the time of its construction, the church's building materials, imported from Belgium, were widely admired by 19th Century residents of San Salvador. [ [http://www.elsalvador.com/noticias/2003/05/17/nacional/nacio3.html Iglesia San Esteban próxima a restaurar] ]The temple is one of the important churches of San Salvador, having a key role in the "semana santa" (
Holy Week ) celebrations of San Salvador. The Church marks the start of "The Road of Bitterness" (la Calle de la Amargura), El Salvador's analog of theVia Dolorosa , over which theGood Friday Via Crucis procession makes its way, to the destination Church "El Calvario." [ [http://www.diariocolatino.com/es/20080324/nacionales/53315/ Penitencias, tradiciones y sacrificios en Semana Santa] ] The two churches mark the vertical axis of a giantcross formed over the Salvadoran capital with its horizontal axis formed by a third church, La Vega, and the Metropolitan Cathedral. [ [http://www.esmitv.com/wfDetalleNoticia.aspx?noticia=13775 Iglesia San Esteban hace milagros por existir] ]Notes
External links
* [http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/9769/dcp2001nw8.jpgPicture of Iglesia San Esteban in its current state]
* [http://www.amss.gob.sv/pages/acontecer/2007/premio_compostela_02_05_noviembre_07.jpgIllustration: San Salvador mayor's restauration plan for the Church]
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