

A WebQuest is a learning activity used by educators. During this activity learners read, analyze, and synthesize information using the World Wide Web. Webquests were invented by [http://edweb.sdsu.edu/people/bdodge/bdodge.html Bernie Dodge] and [http://tommarch.com Tom March] at San Diego State University in 1995.

According to Dodge's [http://webquest.sdsu.edu/about_webquests.html original publication] a WebQuest is "an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet, optionally supplemented with videoconferencing" (Dodge, 1995a; Dodge, 1995b).

=How to develop a WebQuest= Learners typically complete WebQuests as cooperative groups. Each learner within a group can be given a "role," or specific area to research. WebQuests may take the form of role-playing scenarios, where students take on the personas of professional researchers or historical figures.

WebQuests are a great tool for teachers to use in their classroom. A teacher can search for WebQuests on a particular topic or they can develop their own using a web editor like Microsoft FrontPage or Dreamweaver. This tool allows learners to complete various task using other Cognitive tools (e.g. Inspiration, MS Word, PowerPoint, Access, Excel, and Publisher). WebQuests may be created by anyone, typically they are developed by educators. The first part of a WebQuest is the introduction. This describes the WebQuest and gives the purpose of the activity. Next describes what students will do. Then is a list of what to do and how to do it. There are usually a list of links to follow to complete the activity.

Finally WebQuests do not have to be developed as a true web site. They may be developed and implemented using lower threshold (less demanding) technologies, (e.g. they may be saved as a word document on a local computer).

Developments in WebQuest Methodologies

The WebQuest methodology has been transferred to language learning in the 3D virtual world Second Life to create a more immersive and interactive experience [cite news |first=Howard |last=Vickers |title=SurReal Quests: Enriched, purposeful language learning in Second Life |url=http://kt.flexiblelearning.net.au/tkt2007/edition-15/surreal-quests-enriched-purposeful-language-learning-in-second-life |work=The Knowledge Tree |date=2007-10-15 |accessdate = 2007-12-05 ] .

External links

* [http://webquest.org WebQuest.org] , Bernie Dodge's WebQuest site.
* [http://questgarden.com Questgarden.com] , QuestGarden, by Bernie Dodge
* [http://www.bestwebquests.com Best WebQuests.com] , Tom March's WebQuest site.
* [http://zunal.com www.Zunal.Com] , Zunal Free WebQuest Application and Hosting, by Zafer Unal, Ph.D.
* [http://www.webaquest.com Webaquest.com] , Excellent Webquest subscription service for schools.


* Dodge, B. (1995a). Some thoughts about Webquests. retrieved November 16, 2007 from http://webquest.sdsu.edu/about_webquests.html

* Dodge, B. (1995b). WebQuests: A technique for Internet-based learning. Distance Educator, 1(2), 10-13.

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