Implicit collaboration

Implicit collaboration

Implicit Collaboration is an emergent discipline whose goal is to allow collaboration among the internet, social networks, reputation systems and different distributed systems in an implicit-automatic way.


In these contexts, collaboration is intended as the process where people interact toward a common goal sharing their knowledge, learning from each other in decentralised systems where there is no leadership. In emerging digital social networks is not always possible to directly exploit human feedbacks to improve the quality of the information of the community. Implicit collaboration is a mechanism that use cognitive concepts, coming from human behavior, in an automatic way.

Examples of Implicit Collaboration:

:"Web 2.0 collaboration include Amazon's web shopping recommendations, Google's personalised search and iSpy, being good examples of implicit asynchronous deeply mediated distributed search. .. Collaboration is implicit in all cases because each person's search intent is unknown to all others (despite varying degrees of user control over group membership) whether they are searching on similar topics or not. Collaboration is deeply mediated because each person's inputs affects the group's search results, and of course their interactions are asynchronous and distributed.." ["A Taxonomy of Collaboration in Online Information Seeking", Gene Golovchinsky, Jeremy Picken and Maribeth back, FX Palo Alto Laboratory Inc.]

See also

* Collaboration
* Computational trust
* Relevance feedback
* Collaborative filtering
* Search engine
* Social network


[ "Detecting Implicit Collaboration Patterns" Arévalo, Buchli and Nierstrasz, 2004]
"Conference Record" Denshi Jōhō Tsūshin Gakkai (Japan), 1994

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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