

* Bato is an Illyrian male name.
* Bato of Dardania is the name of a Dardanii king in 4th B.C.
*Bato of Dalmatia was an Illyrian tribal chief of the Delmatae
*Bato II, was the warlord of Illyrian tribe Breuci, in the Great Illyrian revolt
* Bato I was an Illyrian warlord who led the Daesitiates in the Great Illyrian revolt
* Bato (comic poet), the Athenian comic poet
* Bato is the name of three places in the Philippines:
**Bato, Camarines Sur
**Bato, Catanduanes
**Bato, Leyte

*bato' means stone in Tagalog (Philippines)
*Bato' means Little brother in (Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia) + "It can also be used for a name"
*bato' also means Methamphetamine in Tagalog slang (Philippines)

* Bato/Vato is a Chicano slang equivalent to "man" or "dude"
* Bato or Vato is a small mountain town in Burma, site of a battle in the Burma Campaign.
* is also a secondary character from the Nickelodeon (TV channel) show .

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  • bato — v. bati . Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN  BATO2 elem. (rug de) mure . (<fr. bato , cf. gr. batos) Trimis de raduborza, 04.09.2006. Sursa: MDN …   Dicționar Român

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