Black (hieroglyphic 'km')

Black (hieroglyphic 'km')

The Ancient Egyptiam Black (hieroglyph), has different forms, but with similar meanings related to the common color "black"; it has other meanings, elsewhere used by various addititive determinatives. (Budge two-volume dictionary has 27 entries using the hieroglyph, many referencing items of black; the first two entries deal with an item that 'burns out'-things that 'come to an end'. [An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, (letter K, volume 2, pp 787-788)] )

Ancient Egypt is commonly referred to as " 'Kam-t' ", with the theorized reference to the black Nile Delta earth.

Other word uses of "black" are also related to the, "gloomy", or "dark"; there is a coptic language usage with additional word "white", as also expressed in hieroglyphs, for "black and white".

Hieroglyphic definition of glyph-icon

The hieroglyph is commonly explained as a brick of black-charcoal, with "flames" arising out of one end.

Rosetta Stone: hieroglyph and Demotic "kmi"-"Egypt"

The 198 BC Rosetta Stone uses the Black (hieroglyph) three times to make the name of Egypt: "Kam-t", or Kem-t. Of the 22 uses, 7 are for another name of egypt as Baq-t.

In the Demotic (Egyptian) text of the Rosetta Stone, the demotic for Egypt is " 'Kmi' ". There are three uses of the actual Kmi, but 6 others referenced as Kmi refer to "Baq-t" in the hieroglyphs; there is one actual " 'Bki' " in the Demotic text that is used in a pairing sentence, for emphasis: "... Baq-t... and... Kam-t."-(Rosetta Stone, line 6)

:" "Kmi"—spelling-Egypt"—(22 places, sychronized, Demotic–Hieroglyphs)

(South and North)
*#–Kmi—"Her taui"
*#–Kmi—"Her taui"

*14.–Kmi—XXXXXX-(omitted from text)
(South and North)



A magazine focussed on Ancient Egypt, its history, its iconography, and its modern day archaeological or linguistic work, is named for the name Kam-t-(Egypt). See Kmt (journal).

ee also

*Kmt (journal)
*Gardiner's Sign List#Aa. Unclassified

External links

* [ Kmt journal homepage]


*Budge. "An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary," E.A.Wallace Budge, (Dover Publications), c 1978, (c 1920), Dover edition, 1978. (In two volumes) (softcover, ISBN 0-486-23615-3)
*Budge. "A Hieroglyphic Dictionary to the Book of the Dead," E.A.Wallace Budge, Dover edition, 1991; Original: c 1911 as: A Hieroglyphic Vocabulary to the Theban Recension of the Book of the Dead with an Index to All the English Equivalents of the Egyptian Words, (Kegan Paul, etc. Ltd, London, publisher). Dover: (softcover, ISBN 0-486-23724-5)
*Budge. "The Rosetta Stone," E.A.Wallace Budge, (Dover Publications), c 1929, Dover edition(unabridged), 1989. (softcover, ISBN 0-486-26163-8)

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