- Central Sofia Cemetery
The Central Sofia Cemetery ( _bg. Централни софийски гробища, "Tsentralni sofiyski grobishta") or the Orlandodvtsi Cemetery ("Орландовци") is the main
cemetery inSofia , the capital ofBulgaria . The cemetery has several chapels used by various Christian denominations, such as aBulgarian Orthodox church of theDormition of the Theotokos , [http://gallery.slovar.org.uk/details.php?image_id=2941] aRoman Catholic chapel ofSaint Francis of Assisi , [http://www.abagar1.com/content.php?RID=5&AID=56] [http://gallery.slovar.org.uk/details.php?image_id=2940&mode=search] anArmenian Apostolic chapel, [http://gallery.slovar.org.uk/details.php?image_id=2949&sessionid=54] aJew ishsynagogue , etc. [http://mmmitov.blogspot.com/2007/09/blog-post_2904.html] The cemetery also featuresRussia n,Serbia n andRomania n military sections.Among the famous people buried there are
Petko Slaveykov andPencho Slaveykov ,Andrey Lyapchev ,Lyubomir Miletich ,Dimitar Talev ,Boris Sarafov , Gyorche Petrov,Hristo Smirnenski .
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