- Referencer
name = Referencer
caption =
developer = John Spray
latest_release_version = 1.1.3
latest_release_date = release date|2008|5|24
operating_system = Linux
platform =
genre =Bibliography manager ,Document organizer
license = GPL
website = [http://icculus.org/referencer/ icculus.org/referencer]Referencer is a
GNOME application to organize documents or references, and ultimately generate aBibTeX bibliography file. It is designed with the scientist/researcher in mind, and "document" may be taken to mean "paper" in general, although Referencer can deal with any kind of document that BibTeX can. Chief among Referencer's capabilities is the automatic acquisition of bibliographic information (metadata) for some kinds of documents. Upon adding a PDF file to a Referencer library file, it will automatically be searched for key identifiers such as a DOI code orarXiv identifier. If either of these is found, Referencer will attempt to retrieve the metadata for the document via the internet.Features
* Smart web links: Referencer uses documents' metadata to provide links to the document's web location
* Import fromBibTeX ,Reference Manager andEndNote
* Tagging of documents
* Referencer will automatically retrievearXiv ,PubMed andCrossRef metadata for PDF documents which have arXiv ID or DOI code
* Python plugin support: Referencer can be extended using thePython scripting language
* Referencer is translated into many languagesee also
Comparison of reference management software External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.