

color = khaki
name = Gymnophryids
domain = Eukaryota
unranked_phylum = Rhizaria
phylum = Cercozoa
classis = Proteomyxidea?
ordo = Reticulosida
familia = Gymnophryidae
familia_authority = Mikrjukov & Mylnikov, 1996
The gymnophryids are a small group of amoeboids that lack shells and produce thin, reticulose pseudopods. These contain microtubules and have a granular appearance, owing to the presence of extrusomes, but are distinct from the pseudopods of Foraminifera. They are included among the Cercozoa, but differ from other cercozoans in having mitochondria with flat cristae, rather than tubular cristae.

"Gymnophrys cometa", found in freshwater and soil, is representative of the group. The cell body is under 10 μm in size, and has a pair of reduced flagella, which are smooth and insert parallel to one another. It may also produce motile zoospores and cysts. "Gymnophrys" and "Borkovia" are the only confirmed genera, but other naked reticulose amoebae such as "Biomyxa" may be close relatives.


* cite journal | author = Nikolaev, S.I., "et al."
title = "Gymnophrys cometa" and "Lecythium" sp. are Core Cercozoa: Evolutionary Implications
journal = Acta Protozoologica
year = 2003 | volume = 42 | pages = 183–190

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