The "Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST)" is a meridian reflecting Schmidt telescope. Using active optics technique to control its reflecting corrector makes it a unique astronomical instrument in combining large aperture with wide field of view. The available large focal plane may accommodate up to thousands of fibers, by which the collected light of distant and faint celestial objects down to 20.5 magnitude is fed into the spectrographs, promising a very high spectrum acquiring rate of ten-thousands of spectra per night. The telescope will be located at the Xinglong Station of National Astronomical Observatories. The project’s budget is RMB 235 millions yuan. It will bring Chinese astronomy into the 21century with a leading role in wide field spectroscopy and in the fields of large scale and large sample astronomy and astrophysics.

Scientific goals

Particular scientific goals of the LAMOST include:
* Extra-galactic spectroscopic survey — Large scale structure of the universe
* Stellar spectroscopic survey — Structure of the Galaxy, including metal poor stars search in the galactic halo
* Cross identification of multi-waveband surveys

It is also hoped that the vast volume of data produced will lead to additional serendipitous discoveries.


* [ Homepage of LAMOST]

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