- Home Rule Act
Home Rule Act can refer to:
District of Columbia Home Rule Act , a 1973 act of the United States Congress
*Home Rule Act 1914 , an act of the British Parliament to provide self-government for Ireland
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Home Rule Act can refer to:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Home Rule Act 1914 — The Home Rule Act of 1914, also known as the (Irish) Third Home Rule Act (or Bill), and formally known as the Government of Ireland Act 1914 (4 5 Geo. 5 c. 90), was a British Act of Parliament intended to provide self government ( home rule ) for … Wikipedia
District of Columbia Home Rule Act — The District of Columbia Home Rule Act is a United States federal law passed on December 24, 1973 which devolved certain congressional powers of the District of Columbia to local government, furthering District of Columbia home rule. In… … Wikipedia
Home Rule — bedeutet autonome Selbstverwaltung und wird in der Regel mit der Geschichte des späten 19. Jahrhunderts / frühen 20. Jahrhunderts zwischen Irland und dem Königreich Großbritannien in Verbindung gebracht. Auch die Autonomie Grönlands (dänisch:… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Home rule — refers to a demand that constituent parts of a state be given greater self government within the greater administrative purview of the central government. In the United Kingdom, it has traditionally referred to self government, or devolution, for … Wikipedia
home rule — n: self government or limited autonomy in internal affairs by a dependent political unit (as a territory or municipality); also: the political theory or principle of self government Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. home … Law dictionary
HOME RULE — L’expression signifie «autonomie interne» et a pu être employée dans des occasions variées. Historiquement, elle appartient à l’Irlande: elle est la revendication, à partir de 1870, d’un mouvement pour «un gouvernement autonome» qui, opposé à la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Home Rule Cities Act (Michigan) — The Home Rule City Act was enacted by the Michigan Legislature as Public Act 279 of 1909 . This statute provides the framework by which a new city may become incorporated and provide for its own government by adopting a city charter. It also… … Wikipedia
Home Rule Party of Hawaii — As soon as the United States annexed the Hawaiian Islands and established the Territory of Hawaii, native Hawaiians became worried that both the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i and Hawai‘i Republican Party were incapable of representing them. In 1900 … Wikipedia
Home Rule Municipality (Pennsylvania) — A Home Rule Municipality in Pennsylvania, for the purpose of this article, is one incorporated under Pennsylvania s Home Rule and Optional Plans Law [ [http://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/CT/53/00.029..HTM | 53 Pa C.S. Chapters 29 31] ] .… … Wikipedia
Home Rule — In British history, home rule signified the idea that the separate countries of the United Kingdom should have separate parliaments. Home rule in the Victorian era normally referred to Irish Home Rule, which is to say to the restoration of a… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914