L'Année philologique

L'Année philologique

"L'Année philologique" ("The Year in Philology") is an index to scholarly work in fields related to the language, literature, history and culture of ancient Greece and Rome.cite web |url=http://www.library.uq.edu.au/ssah/useits/annee_phil/annee-philologique.html |title=L'Année Philologique (APh Online) |accessdate=2008-08-03 |work="How-to" guides |publisher=The University of Queensland |date=2008-02-20] It is the standard and most comprehensive bibliographical tool for research in classical studies.cite web |url=http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/classics/aphguide.html |title=Guide to L'Année Philologique |accessdate=2008-08-03 |work=|publisher=Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University |date=2005] Published in print annually since 1928, with the first volume covering the years 1924–1926, it is now available online by institutional or individual subscription. As of August 2, 2008, the electronic version (APh Online) covers volume years 1949 through 2005, comprising some 625,000 bibliographic records. The editorial staff gathers each year's additions from 1,500 periodicals, with an additional 500 articles from collections.cite web |author=Éric Rebillard |url=http://www.annee-philologique.com/aph/aph.cgi?FILE=presentation.htm&CONTEXT=026704-1217730253 |title="L'Année philologique" on the Internet |accessdate=2008-08-03 |work=About the APh on line |publisher="L'Année philologique" on the Internet]

"L'Année" aims to be an exhaustive international resource. Entries on journal articles are often accompanied by a very brief abstract that may be in a language other than that of the original. Abstracts are most often in French, English, or German. No abstracts for books are provided, but entries on books include a listing of published reviews. Indexing often lags publication by two or three years.

Because "L'Année" is an index, not a collection, searches find terms only within the bibliographical entry, not the full text of the article (the "full text" search option refers to the contents of "L'Année"). The electronic edition offers a variety of search parameters, with some idiosyncrasies.

"L'Année philologique" is published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique with support from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France and several other institutions. Editorial offices are located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Heidelberg, Germany; Lausanne, Switzerland; Genoa, Italy; and Grenada, Spain. It was founded in Paris by the latinist Jules Marouzeau (1878-1964), Professor at the Sorbonne.

To fill the gap between "L'Année Philologique" and earlier bibliographies, Marouzeau arranged for the publication of a series of volumes in the same format:
*J. Marouzeau, "Dix années de bibliographie classique, Bibliographie critique et analytique de l'antiquité greco-latine pour la période 1914-1924" (2 vols). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1927-1928.
*S. Lambrino, "Bibliographie de l'antiquité classique 1896-1914, Première partie, Auteurs et Textes". Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1951.


External links

*"L'Année philologique" (subscription required to search database, open access to information about the publication), [http://www.annee-philologique.com/aph entry page]
*University of North Carolina at Greensboro, "L'Année philologique" [http://library.uncg.edu/depts/ref/bibs/lannee_abbrev.asp key to abbreviations]

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