HumGen international

HumGen international

= Presentation =

The [ HumGen] resource is recognized as an essential resource for finding normative documents on the ethical, legal and social issues related to human genetics.

Four specialized modules are connected to the resource.

= Context and history =

Progress in genetic research, which range from gene therapy and cloning, to DNA banking and genetic testing and screening, is rapidly developing and thus it is essential to investigate its potential applications and uses. The ethical questions that have resulted provide similar challenges for many countries and societies because these issues have important ethical, legal and social implications for policy makers and regulators alike.

= Objective =

The website is designed to diffuse normative documents related to human genetics at national, regional and international level to help legislators and researchers in their work. HumGen also aims to educate general public concerning ethical, legal and social issues in human genetics

= Content=

The public resource has five sections: the GenEdit editorial; GenInfo, an electronic newsletter providing a brief overview of current developments; the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ); About us, a section presenting team members, publications and research projects and the database itself, which contains more than 3000 normative documents from 812 organizations and 71 countries generating a list of bibliographies using keywords and jurisdictions. Information is available in English, French and Spanish.

Four specialized modules are connected to the main Website:

* [ PediaGen] : presenting ethical, legal and social issues on pediatric research.

* [ StemGen] : about stem cell research.

* [ PopGen] : about population genetics.

* [ IPGen] : about issues linked to human genetics and intellectual property.

= Collaborators =

* [ Bartha Maria Knoppers] : Project director
* Denise Avard : Research Director
* Gillian Nycum : Research Associate and Associate editor
* Karine Sénécal : Research Associate and Editor-in-chief
* Dan Thanh Truong : Computer Analyst and webmaster

= Sponsors =

* [ Centre de recherche en droit public de l’Université de Montréal]
* [ Faculty of law Université de Montréal]
* [ Génome Québec]
* [ RMGA]
* [ Canadian Institutes of Health Research]
* [ Développement économique, innovation et exportation Québec]
* [ Human Genome Organisation ]
* [ National Institute of Genomic Medicine Mexico]
* [ Department of Justice Canada]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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