

Egyptian independent weekly published in Arabic. [Egyptian Media] [ [ Arab West Report] ]


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  • Maydan al Shajara — Maydan al Shajara, Benghazi, in 1964 Maydan al Shajara (Arabic: ميدان الشجرة; English:  The Tree Square), is a major town square in Benghazi, the second largest city in Libya. A large native Atlas Cedar tree is located in the center of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Maydan Shahr District — Maydan Shahr is a district in the east of Wardak Province, Afghanistan. Its population was estimated at 121,531 in 2002, consisting of about 85% Pashtuns and 14% Tajiks, with a few Hazara families. The district centre is Maydan Shahr. References… …   Wikipedia

  • Maydan, Kyrgyzstan — Maydan …   Wikipedia

  • Maydan Ikbis — is a small town in Syria. It is the site of the main railroad crossing into Turkey on the Istanbul Aleppo Damascus line. Coordinates: 36°49′N 36°40′E /  …   Wikipedia

  • Maydan Mahzan —   [ zan], Maidan Mahsan, Erdölfeld im Persischen Golf, 100 km östlich von Katar …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Maydan Shahr — 34° 27′ 00″ N 68° 47′ 00″ E / 34.45, 68.7833 Maydan Shahr (Maidan / Maydan …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Maydan Akpas — Meydan Ekbaz, Midan Ikbaz, Maydan Akpas bzw. al Midan Akbes (arabisch ‏ميدان أكبس‎, DMG Mīdān Akbas) ist der Name eines Grenzortes (Kleinstadt) und eines Bahnhofs an der nordwestlichen syrisch türkischen Grenze (Bagdadbahn). Der kurdische Ort,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Maydan — Sp Maidãnas Ap Майдан/Maydan L RF Riazanės ir Žem. Naugardo sr., Mordvija; aikštė Kijeve …   Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

  • Jaji Maydan — Jaji Maydan …   Wikipedia

  • Jaji Maydan District — is located in the northeastern part of Khost Province, Afghanistan. It borders with Bak District to the West, Paktia Province to the North and Pakistan to the North and East. The population is 21,400 (2006). The district center is the village of… …   Wikipedia

  • Al-Maydan — Al Maydӑn is an Egyptian independent weekly newspaper published in Arabic. [] [Egyptian Media] [ [ Arab West Report] ] ReferencesExternal… …   Wikipedia

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