Transmission art

Transmission art

Transmission Art evolved from early radio experimentation in the first half of the 20th century, sound and telecommunication art practices post 1945, and the microradio movement of the 1990s. Transmission Art practices are explorations around transmission as a medium for creative expression. This genre encompasses a diversity of practices and media working with the idea of transmission or the physical properties of the electromagnetic spectrum. Transmission art is generally a participatory live-art or time-based art, and often manifests as Radio Art, video art, light sculpture, and installation and performance.

Transmission Art is an exploration of the relationship between the self/body and the space it inhabits, both actively and passively (in terms of level of awareness). This notion of awareness can be interpreted as a manifestation of consciousness. It is important to note that consciousness is not only the ability to recognise the self but to signal this recognition to others. This places communication in a pivotal position when dealing with issues of self-awareness.

Artistic expression is a manifestation of communication. Taking a multitude of forms, it is this desire to communicate with others that defines us as conscious beings. In our society technology plays a pivotal role, acting as a mediator within our newly evolved communicatory networks. Such fully integrated technologies facilitate the notion of tele-presence (the ability to extend one’s physical presence through a tele-network) by their very nature. In turn these technologies have altered our relationship to time, with everything becoming in the present.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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