Skills Enhancement Program Football Club (SKEP FC) is a football club in the Philippines, based at the Cuenca Stadium in Muntinlupa City and is arguably the most popular football club in Alabang. The club is a member of the MLPFA.

The club is the second most successful in the history of Alabang football and by far the most successful of recent times, having won 2 major trophies in the last 3 seasons. They are MLPFA's most promising team, and placed fourth in the recently concluded cup where 14 of the best teams in Muntinlupa compete.

It was formed in 2005 by a group of engineers in the Alabang area. In 2006 they relocated their stadium from Ultraford Stadium in Pasig City to Cuenca Stadium in Muntinlupa City. Some notable players from this club are poached by Football clubs from other countries such as Spain and Australia.

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  • Skep — Skep, n. [Icel. skeppa a measure, bushel; cf. Gael. sgeap a basket, a beehive.] 1. A coarse round farm basket. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.] Tusser. [1913 Webster] 2. A beehive. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skep — /skep/, n. 1. a round farm basket of wicker or wood. 2. Also, skepful. the amount contained in a skep. 3. a beehive, esp. of straw. [bef. 1100; ME skeppe, late OE sceppe < ON skeppa half bushel; akin to G Scheffel] * * * …   Universalium

  • skep — [skep] n. [ME skeppe < OE sceppe < ON skeppa, a measure, bushel < IE base * (s)kep > SHAPE] 1. a round, wooden or wicker basket 2. a beehive, esp. one of straw …   English World dictionary

  • skep — c.1100, from O.N. skeppa “basket, bushel.” …   Etymology dictionary

  • skep — n. large round wicker basket …   English contemporary dictionary

  • skep — om·pha·lo·skep·sis; skep; skep·sis; skep·tic; skep·ti·cal; skep·ti·cism; skep·ti·cize; skep·ful; skep·ti·cal·ly; skep·ti·cal·ness; …   English syllables

  • Skep — Dry measure in the 13c equivalent to a half *bushel. There were eight skeps in a *quarter, though the bushel was the unit most frequently used. The skep itself was orig. a basket which came to hold half a bushel. The Latin form of skep is eskippa …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • skep — noun /ˈskɛp/ a) a basket , 1977: He prised a skep from its stool and held it out, inverted, showing the dirty wreck of combs, with the vile grubs spinning their cocoons. Patrick OBrian, The Mauritius Command b) a beehive made of straw or wicker …   Wiktionary

  • Skep — This interesting surname with variant spellings Skip, Skep, Skypp(e) etc., has two possible origins. Firstly, it may have originated as a metonymic occupational name for a maker of baskets from the Medieval English skipp(e) , itself coming from… …   Surnames reference

  • skep — /skɛp/ (say skep) noun 1. a basket or hamper, as of wicker. 2. a specific quantity such as would be contained by such a basket. 3. a beehive, especially one made of wicker or straw. {Middle English skeppe, late Old English sceppe, from Old Norse… …  

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