Guo Si

Guo Si


Guō Sì (146 – 197) was formerly an officer under Niu Fu, who was a general serving under Dong Zhuo. After the death of his Lord, Guo Si occupied the capital of Chang'an with other former Dong Zhuo generals, Fan Chou and Li Jue, on the advice of Jia Xu. The three generals were a powerful force even defeating the mighty Lü Bu in the process, with the three generals dividing the city between them. Guo Si and Li Jue wanted to kill the young Emperor Xian but Fan Chou and Zhang Ji put them off, eventually deciding to control the Emperor, as Dong Zhuo had done before them. The alliance between the four generals began to wear thin and Fan Chou was executed by Li Jue for letting Han Sui (Fan Chou's childhood friend) escape.

Later Yang Biao, a court official loyal to Han, came up with a plan to drive Guo Si and Li Jue apart, by making Guo Si's jealous wife Lady Qiong believe that her husband was having an affair with Li Jue's wife, and that Li Jue would kill Guo Si. She made Guo Si believe this himself by poisoning food that Li Jue had given to them and feeding it to the dog. When the dog died, Guo Si believed that Li Jue was attempting to poison him. This drove Guo Si and Li Jue to battle with each other. The situation ended up with Li Jue kidnapping the Emperor and Guo Si kidnapping the Imperial court.

After Li Jue and Guo Si made peace, the Emperor was rescued by Yang Feng, who, along with Dong Cheng and Xu Huang defeated the army of Guo Si, who returned to Li Jue to make a last-ditch effort to recapture the Emperor. Li Jue and Guo Si were defeated by the combined forces of Yang Feng and the White Wave Rebels, and then finally defeated by Cao Cao, who became the next general to seize control of the Emperor as Dong Zhuo, Li Jue and Guo Si had done before him. Li Jue and Guo Si ran off into the mountains and became bandits.

Guo Si was eventually slain by his own officer Wei Xu in 197.

ee also

*Three Kingdoms
*Personages of the Three Kingdoms
*"Records of Three Kingdoms"
*"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

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