Start-Point — (spr. Start Peunt), Cap auf der Südostküste der englischen Grafschaft Devonshire, südlich von Dartmouth … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
start point — pradinis taškas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Nustatyta maršruto vieta, nuo kurios žygio vadas pradeda kontroliuoti transporto priemonių žygį. Šioje vietoje nustatytu laiku sudaroma žygio vora. Šalia pagrindinio pradinio taško gali būti… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Start Point, Devon — Start Point is a promontory in the South Hams district. It is one of the most southerly points in Devon, England, gbmapping|SX832370. It marks the southern limit of Start Bay, which extends northwards to the estuary of the River Dart.The rocks of … Wikipedia
Start Point (Devon) — Start Point es un promontorio en el distrito de South Hams y uno de los puntos más meridionales de Devon. Marca el límite meridional de Start Bay, que se extiende en dirección norte hacia el estuario del río Dart. Después de muchos naufragios en… … Wikipedia Español
Start Point, Livingston Island — Start Point (coord|62|35|S|61|13|W|) is a point marking the northwest end of Livingston Island, in the South Shetland Islands. Discovered by Edward Bransfield in January 1820, and so named by him because of its resemblance to a point on the south … Wikipedia
Start Point lighthouse — Infobox Lighthouse caption = Start Point lighthouse including the well house and keepers cottage location = Devon, England coordinates =coord|50.22144|N|3.63863|W|type:landmark yearbuilt = 1836 yearlit = 1836 automated = 1993 yeardeactivated =… … Wikipedia
Start Point transmitting station — The Start Point transmitting station is a broadcasting facility at Start Point, Devon, owned by National Grid Wireless. The site is just north west of the Start Point lighthouse.The station currently transmits a single broadcast: BBC Radio 5 Live … Wikipedia
start point — meeting place for soldiers or military transportation vehicles … English contemporary dictionary
Prawle Point and Start Point Site of Special Scientific Interest — The Prawle Point and Start Point Site of Special Scientific Interest (gbmapping|SX741371 to gbmapping|SX819381) is a 341.2 hectare biological and geological Site of Special Scientific Interest in southern Devon, notified in 1976.It includes the… … Wikipedia
Start — can refer to multiple topics:* Takeoff, the phase of flight where an aircraft transitions from moving along the ground to flying through the air * Standing start and rolling start, in an auto race * Start signal, in telecommunications * Start… … Wikipedia