Timo Saarnio

Timo Saarnio

Interior Architect, SIO
Born 1944 (Helsinki, Finland)


*Interior Architect, SIO (Institute for Applied Arts (now University of Art and Design Helsinki), Helsinki, Finland 1971


*2004 - Chairmania Exhibition (Tokyo, Helsinki, Tallinn)

Acknowledgements and awards:

*2007 7th Andreu World International Design Competitioncite web |url=http://www.infurma.es/en/novedades/noticia/7702.en.html |title=The Finnish Timo Saarnio wins the 7th Andreu World International Design Competition | Infurma |format= |work= |accessdate=]
*1999 SIO Furniture Award at the "Habitare" fair in Helsinki (Chip chair)
*1998 Chair of the Year, Udine, Italy (Pack chair)
*1966 Gold Prize, International Furniture Design Competition, Ashikawa, Japan (Woody chair)
*1996 1st prize, Forsnäs 100 Years Competition, Sweden (Duetto chair)
*1996 Roter Punkt (Red Dot Award), Germany (Una chair)
*1990 State Industrial Design Award


*1997 Three year State artist's grant

*Own design office since 1982
*A freelancer furniture designer since 1992
*Teacher at the University of Art and Design, Helsinki
*Elected positions in SIO and ORNAMO, the Finnish Assocoation of Designers


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