

color = khaki
name = Retortamonads
domain = Eukaryota
unranked_phylum = Excavata
phylum = Metamonada
ordo = Retortamonadida
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Retortamonas"
The retortamonads are a small group of flagellates, mostly found in the intestines of animals, although some are free-living. They are usually around 5-20 μm in length. There are two genera: "Retortamonas" with two flagella, and "Chilomastix" with four. In both cases there are four basal bodies anterior to a prominent feeding groove, and one flagellum is directed back through the cell, emerging from the groove.

The retortamonads lack both mitochondria and golgi apparatus. They are close relatives of the diplomonads, and are placed among the metamonads along with them.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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