Yves Manglou

Yves Manglou

Yves Manglou (born 20 August1943, Bras-Panon, Réunion) is a French writer.


Yves Manglou spent his childhood on an island where stories "were king". At the time, the island of Reunion was still a French colony and the abolition of slavery had taken place less than a century before. Legends on the island were still very much alive.

Brought up one of nine children under the watchful eye of a teacher and a housewife, Manglou walked unfettered along the banks of the Saint-Jean river, going barefoot and without a shirt: it wasa life not of suffering but of freedom.

From the end of 1960 to 1975, Manglou successively held the position of Director of Sociocultural Institutions (Directeur d'établissements socio-culturels) in Sainte-Suzanne, Soisy-sous-Montmorency and Boulogne-Billancourt.

In 1971, during a year of advanced study at the French National Institute of Popular Education at Marly-le-Roi, Manglou examined multi-disciplinary development in rural areas. This study culminated in an authoritative dissertation "Animation and Development [http://telemaque.injep.fr/Record.htm?idlist=1&record=118112493639 INJEP] " (written in collaboration with Jean Schüler), which was made available on the website of The National Institute for Youth and Community Education, INJEP (Institut National de la Jeunesse et de l'Éducation Populaire).

In 1974-1975, as Director of the Animation Centre of Boulogne-Billancourt, Manglou established coordination among associations in a city of 120,000 inhabitants. The exhibition "Associations in the City", unique at the time, received 10,000 visitors.

During the same period Manglou also pursued a Master's Degree in Human Sciences at the University of Paris XII Val-de-Marne - a genuine foreshadowing of VAE (the French system of granting university credit for experience in the workplace).

These various sociological approaches and a thirst for getting to know people and their cultures has led Yves Manglou to his literary journey by and for his island.

Currently he is Series Editor at Éditions Orphie.


;Orphie Editions
* [http://www.orphie.net/Miseajour032006/autourdumondejeunesse/grandmerekalle.htm "Grand-mère Kalle"]
* [http://www.orphie.net/Miseajour032006/autourdumondejeunesse/noirmaismarron.htm "Noir mais Marron"] (Black but Brown, in reference to the name wearing by the free slaves)
* [http://www.orphie.net/Miseajour032006/autourdumondejeunesse/kaloubadia.htm "Kaloubadia Madam Debassayns"] (in Créole Réunionnais)

;Black Phaeton Editions
* "Le mystère du Piton de La Fournaise" (The Fournaise mystery)
* "Zépingue le Petit Tangue" (in collaboration with Josette Manglou and Yves Llopiz)
* "La naissance de Ticlou" (in collaboration with Josette Manglou and Yves Llopiz)


These are french articles related to Yves Manglou
* [http://www.clicanoo.com/index.php?id_article=170422&page=article Yves Manglou, « La tendance à tourner le dos à la mer s’inverse »] , "Le JIR", date|2|décembre|2007.
* [http://www.clicanoo.com/article.php3?id_article=135653 « Yves Manglou, romancier et aventurier de la mer »] , "Le JIR, date|6|août|2006.
* [http://www.lexpress.fr/info/france/dossier/domtom/dossier.asp?ida=427260 « La Famille Manglou, l'âme créole »] , "L'Express", date|5|avril|2004.
* [http://www.rfi.fr/radiofr/editions/073/edition_68_20060417.asp « Le quotidien de la mer : l'écrivain Yves Manglou »] , émission RFI, date|17|avril|2006.

External links

* [http://www.abdenreunion.com/saloninvite32.htm Site de l'Association des Enseignants Documentalistes de l'Education Nationale de la Réunion] .

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