SEAMUS Lifetime Achievement Award

SEAMUS Lifetime Achievement Award

The SEAMUS Liftime Achievement Award acknowledges the important contributions of its recipients to the field of electro-acoustic music. The recipient is selected by the Board of Directors of SEAMUS. The prize was first awarded in 1987.

The winners have been:
*1987 Vladimir Ussachevsky
*1988 Les Paul
*1989 Mario Davidovsky
*1990 Otto Luening
*1991 Robert Moog
*1993 John Chowning
*1994 Max Mathews
*1995 Milton Babbitt
*1996 Charles Dodge
*1997 Louis Barron and Bebe Barron
*1998 Morton Subotnick
*1999 Pauline Oliveros
*2000 Paul Lansky
*2001 Herbert Brün
*2002 Don Buchla
*2003 Jon Appleton
*2004 Barry Vercoe
*2005 Wendy Carlos
*2006 Alvin Lucier
*2007 Joel Chadabe
*2008 Miller Puckette

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