Bioacoustics therapy

Bioacoustics therapy

Bioacoustic Therapy is a technique in alternative medicine that involves the analysis of sound waves produced during vocalization combined with presentation of low frequency analog sound to promote healing. Klotter, Jule (2004): “Human BioAcoustics & Sound Health, Inc.” "Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients" 250: 90-93. 2,991. Retrieved on 2008-07-15 from] The word "acoustic" is derived from the ancient Greek word ακουστός, meaning able to be heard (Woodhouse, 1910, 392). The science of acoustics studies the production, control, transmission, reception, and effects of sound wave vibrations. [ Jacobs, Stanley (2008). “Glossary: Acoustical Energy” "AquaPhotonics, Inc.". Retrieved on 2008-07-15 from ] Bioacoustics investigates both biology and acoustics, specifically as these relate to animals, including humans, with emphasis on evolution. As a science, bioacoustics is concerned with the production of sound and its effects on living systems. In animals, the most effective type of communication for most species is sound. [ Elizabeth von Muggenthaler (2004). “Bioacoustics Research” "Fauna Communications Research Institute". Retrieved on 2008-07-15 from]


Within the broad category of sound therapy, the use of sound vibrations and frequency for therapeutic effect, Liebowitz, Richard, and Linda Smith, eds. The Center for Integrative Medicine at Duke University (2006) "Bioacoustics Therapy” "The Duke Encyclopedia of New Medicine: Conventional and Alternative Medicine for All Ages", p. 567. Rodale, New York, NY. ISBN 1-59486-494-2] bioacoustic therapy is a subcategory. Other subcategories of sound therapy [Liebowitz, Richard, and Linda Smith, eds. The Center for Integrative Medicine at Duke University (2006) "Sound Therapy” "The Duke Encyclopedia of New Medicine: Conventional and Alternative Medicine for All Ages", p. 573. Rodale, New York, NY. ISBN 1-59486-494-2] include music therapy – the use of rhythm, melody, and harmony through singing, dance and instruments to achieve relaxation and creative states of awareness, [ American Music Therapy Association (2004). “What Is Music Therapy?” "Music Therapy Makes a Difference". Retrieved on 2008-07-15 from ] psychoacoustic therapy – the study and use of sound perception [ Davis, Christopher and Vergara, Victor M. (2008). “Psychoacoustics” "How audio codecs work – Psycoacoustics". Retrieved on 2008-07-15 from ] , and Hemi-Sync – the therapeutic use of binaural beats in audio patterns [ Atwater, F. Holmes (2004). “The Hemi-Synch Process” "Research Division, The Monroe Institute". Retrieved on 2008-07-15 from ]

Bioacoustic therapy is distinguished from other sound therapy subcategories by the use of human voice analysis as a representation of the person’s state of health. Voice analysis detects frequencies the person emits, known as a “signature sound”, which represents vibrational energies of the body and its functions . Sound frequencies emitted by all animals vary with their state of physical and emotional health. Physical functioning, genetic and environmental factors all influence these frequencies which can be detected with bioacoustic equipment. Once the altered vibrations are detected with voice analysis, the body’s energy field is harmonized by listening to one’s personalized corrected sound frequencies. These frequencies support health and enable healing.


Bioacoustics as a therapeutic technique originated with Sharry Edwards in 1982.Gerber, Richard (2001). "Vibrational Medicine: the #1 handbook of subtle-energy therapies, 3rd Ed", pp.522-523. Bear and Company., ISBN 1-879181-58-4.] Trivieri, Larry (2003). “Bioacoustics: Using Sound to Heal and Prevent Disease” ‘’Health On The Edge: Visionary Views of Healing in the New Millennium’’: 209-233. Tarcher/Penguin, New York, NY. ISBN 1-58542-262-2] Wisneski, Leonard A. and Anderson, Lucy (2004). “Bioacoustics” "The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine", pp.157-158. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. ISBN ISBN-10: 084932081X ] Edwards found that she has a unique ability to create pure tone waveforms with her voice and hear sound frequencies outside the normal human hearing range. She was able to identify each person’s unique “Signature Sound” which seemed to be coming from their ears. Eventually she learned that these sounds are known as otoacoustic emissions, a sound which is generated from within the human inner ear.Mann, Michael D (November 2002) “Audition” ‘’ The Nervous System In Action’’. Chapter 8. Retrieved July 17 2008 from ] Research at the Ohio University Speech and Hearing Department in Athens clearly demonstrated that while human speech creates complex waveforms, Edwards has the unique ability to create pure tone sine waves with her voice. Bell, Thom (Director). (1997). The Sonic Apothecary: Sharry Edwards and Bioacoustical Technology [DVD] . Healing Vision Films, Inc. Productions. ] The spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAE) Edwards hears coming from people are a function of the auditory nerve fibers in the central nervous system and sensitivity of the basilar membrane to one specific frequency. Early research of her abilities revealed that when Edwards toned a person’s Signature Sound by creating a pure tone which resonated perfectly with the otoacoustic emission she heard coming from their ears, the person’s blood pressure would drop by as much as 32 points. Edwards earliest research, published in 1982 by the University of Colorado, found that these individualized tones created an average drop in blood pressure of 8-10 points. Edwards, Sharry (1992. "Tone as Music and Emotion" "Signature Sound Technologies: Published Papers 1982-1993". Signature Sound Works, Albany, OH. ISBN 0-9631878-2-1.] Exploring the ear-brain-voice connection further, Edwards discovered that there is a direct correlation between stressed frequencies in the voice and the SOAE she heard. Davis, Dorinne, and Edwards, Sharry. (April 2002). BioAcoustic Voiceprint Frequencies and Otoacoustic Emissions, American Academy of Audiology Annual Convention. Retrieved July 18, 2008 from ]

The first bioacoustics therapy assessments were performed by Edwards listening to the sounds she heard coming from a person, and singing the sound into an audio cassette tape. The person would then listen to the recording and report any changes in their health condition. Realizing the need to create technology that would make this technique available to more than the few clients she personally was able to work with, Edwards invented a device she named a Self Management Audio Device (SMAD). The SMAD delivered low frequency analog sine waves similar to the frequencies she was able to create with her voice. Hansen, Peter E. (1991). ‘’Energy Medicine: Bridging the Gap between Psychic and Scientific to Create the World of Psychitifics, With Sharry Edwards ‘’ [DVD] . Shadetree Enterprises. ] Using a specially designed Korg chromatic tuner connected to computer software, early practitioners were able to identify musical notes in a person’s voice that were stressed and then test antidote sine wave formulas with the SMAD. Edwards also devised a portable tone generator to replace the original cassette tapes of her voice. Bioacoustic therapy practitioners could program these small tone boxes with the low frequency analog sine waves they identified as ones needed to support the stressed notes found in the persons voice.

Continually expanding the knowledge base and upgrading the basic process, Edwards constantly added new software programs. The Korg chromatic tuner was replaced in 1982 with the Yonda program which recorded the voice in fast Fourier transform (FFT)Edwards, Sharry (1982) “Vocal Profiling: Computerized Voice Analysis”. Sound Health Publications.] allowing practitioners to analyze patterns of precise frequencies along with the broader range of a musical note. Edwards also created the Bioacoustics Genesis Professional software program, organizing frequencies into harmonic patterns which reflect the mathematical matrix of muscles, biochemicals, genes, toxins, and nutrients.

The Abacus program eventually replaced the Yonda, streamlining the method of detecting stressed frequencies. Released in 2003, the Svani Vocal Profiling: From Ancient Art to Modern Math program expanded the mathematical matrix, permitting bioacoustic voice analysis to better define harmonic root cause issues. Edwards, Sharry (2003). “Exploring New Concepts of BioAcoustics”“Ninth Annual BioAcoustic Colloquium”. Sound Health Research Institute, Inc] An advanced portable tone box with sophisticated features became available in 2004. Edwards, Sharry (2004). “Our Frequency Based Universe” ‘’Tenth Annual Bioacoustic Colloquium”. Sound Health Research Institute, Inc.]

Pre-programmed tone boxes have been developed, aiding practitioners in researching the efficacy of presenting explicit frequencies in the presence of specific health conditions such as back pain, gout, and snoring. Edwards, Sharry (August 2005). “Unmasking the Secrets of Bioacoustics” ‘’Eleventh Annual Bioacoustic Colloquium’’. Sound Health Research Institute, Inc.]

To expedite the research of markers known to be associated with certain health conditions and their corresponding frequency equivalents, Edwards developed the Vocal Profiling Series Software which includes individual programs for nutrition, hormones, muscles, toxins, pathogens, and pre-vaccination analysis.

Edwards started teaching sound therapy techniques in 1976, and has shared her research and knowledge by accepting students at the Sound Health Research Institute facility in Athens Ohio since 1991.

Basic Theory

From planets and supermassive black holes to cells and DNA, to the human voice, everything vibrates and creates sound. The Cassini–Huygens spacecraft was the first to record Saturn's sounds, which relate to tiny radio sources moving up and down along Saturn's magnetic field lines. Graham, Sarah (July 2005). “Cassini Reports on Sights and Sounds of Saturnian Neighborhood” "Scientific American Inc." Retrieved 2008-07-20 from .] The sound of a black hole in the heart of the Perseus galaxy cluster, 300 million light-years from Earth was recorded as 57 octaves below middle C in the note of B flat. Each black hole has been found to have a specific unique sound, the consequence of vibrating gasses. Boyd, Robynne (October 2007). “Strange but True: Black Holes Sing” "Scientific American Inc." Retrieved 2008-07-20 from ] Jim Gimzewski, a nanotechnologist at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Andrew Pelling have discovered the sound of yeast cells are clearly distinguishable from mammalian cells. Pelling, Andrew E et. Al (August 2004). “Local Nanomechanical Motion of the Cell Wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae” ‘’Science Magazine’’ Vol. 305. no. 5687, pp. 1147 – 1150, DOI: 10.1126/science.1097640. Retrieved 2008-07-21 from .] Using atomic force microscopy (AFM) to detect cell wall movement, and converting the oscillations to sound frequencies, the researchers found that although these frequencies are within the human hearing range, the amplitude is not sufficient to be heard by the human ear. Pelling, Andrew E. (2004). “The Singing Cell” ‘’The Dark Side of the Cell’’. Retrieved 2008-07-21 from .] Amplifying the oscillating signals and then converting the sounds into audio format, the original frequencies are maintained and they were able to listen directly to the cell’s sound. Pelling, Andrew E. (2004). “Composition” ‘’The Dark Side of the Cell’’. Retrieved 2008-07-21 from ] Earlier research conducted in 1988 by Susan Alexjander and biomolecular engineer Dr. David Deamer measured the vibrational frequencies of the four DNA base molecules, translating each into a unique sound. Alexjander, Susan (2007). “Pulsars and the Frequencies of Elements”. Retrieved 2008-07-20 from .] On a human scale, people can be identified on the phone solely by the sound of their voice. Blachly, Nancy (2005). “BioAcoustics: Exploring the power of your voice to reveal vocal codes” Retrieved 2008-07-20 from . ]

Edwards theory of human bioacoustic therapy originates from the observation that brain-wave frequencies are electrical impulses that fluctuate rhythmically in distinct patterns, clearly seen and measured by an electroencephalogram, commonly abbreviated EEG. [ Stone, James L. (2003). “Dr. Hans Berger” ‘’A Photographic Exhibit of Some of the Founders of Neurology’’. From the Louis D. Boshes, M.D. Archives, Center for the History of Neurosciences, Department of Neurology, University of Illinois at Chicago. Retrieved 2008-07-20 from .] As the brain perceives sound and delivers these frequency patterns to the body via nerve pathways, the sound wave pulses serve as directives along the electromagnetic field lines of the body, functioning to sustain structural integrity and emotional equilibrium. The laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve, innervates larynx muscles which create vocal sounds by oscillating the vocal cords. This direct conduit from the brain and body to the vocal cords suggests a message pathway, supporting the theory that frequencies in the voice are representations of activity in the autonomic nervous system. Furthermore, the vocal cords are entrained to reflect the frequency communication between the body and brain via their involvement in this pathway. Bioacoustic therapy vocal profiling technique is used to detect this frequency communication. By recording vocal frequencies in Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), information is collected and analyzed to delineate patterns of coherence and dissonance. Bioacoustics therapy researches these patterns for specific clues regarding the health of the speaker, and the relationship between discordant patterns and symptoms of disease and distress. When discordance is identified, low frequency analog sound formulas are delivered as a means of balancing the disharmony, promoting the body’s innate ability to self-heal through entrainment. Additionally, the frequency patterns are studied for their relationship to a predictable mathematical matrix used to formulate sound frequency interventions. Case studies also suggest that the specific beat created by low frequency sound formulas is an integral component of targeting specific structures.Edwards, Sharry (October 2005). “Definitive Theory of Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling & Sound Presentation” "The Journal of Bioacoustic Biology" Volume #5, Issue #11rev 1.4 - 07/21/06: 3-23. Retrieved 07/17/2008 from ]

Research Methods

Two processes are utilized in the practice of human bioacostics – vocal profiling, and sound presentation. Vocal profiling is a method used to gather data from the human voice as a portrayal of the significant frequency features and architecture and investigated for their relationship to anatomical, physiological, or emotional imbalance.

A bioacoustic therapy session begins with the client speaking into a microphone for 30 seconds. This voice sample is then used to establish harmonic patterns that govern the person’s Signature Sound. The data is entered into a computer program which converts the sample with fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm to a chart representation of the frequencies, amplitudes, and architecture of the voice. Frequencies represented on the chart as points that are much higher, much lower, or dissident are used to construct frequency formulas that will be tested during tone trials, a process where the person listens to these sounds while being monitored with biometric equipment for changes in heart rate and oxygen saturation. Charts displaying a unified pattern with few frequency amplitudes in the high and low range indicate greater coherence.

Vocal Profiling

Voice sample data is interpreted by two methods, frequency domain and time domain. Frequency domain data is commonly used to investigate physical issues, and time domain to explore emotional topics.

Frequency domain: To determine individualized vocal patterns, a 30 second sample of the voice is captured as numeric data using a uni-directional microphone connected to a computer equipped with a calibrated sound card. Applying Fast Fourier Transform in the bioacoustic therapy Yonda and Abacus programs from Sound Health, Inc., the analog sample is first converted to numeric data and then to a digital graph displaying 0-1000 cycles per second and 0 to -60 decibels. Horizontal areas of the graph are identified as predictive (future), now (present), and long term (past) ranges. The vertical axis identifies the amplitude of each frequency, displaying disproportionate extremes. Interpretation includes: high points on the graph indicate strident, vociferous frequencies; low points indicate deficiencies. A chart with fewer highs and lows shows greater coherence. Case studies have revealed that predictable architectures appear on the graphs of those with toxins, trauma, pathogens, inflammation, and infection.Vocal profiling reports created from the sample data include information on issues with muscles, toxins, pathogens, biochemicals, nutrients, metabolic and hormonal issues, genomes, vaccination safety, and other risk factors in terms of frequency equivalents. These reports have been used by health professionals and wellness practitioners to gain direction toward supporting optimal form and function.Addison, John (Producer). (2007). Doorway To A New Medicine: Bioacoustic Vocal Profiling [DVD] . AVS Video Productions, LLC. ]

Time domain: To determine individualized vocal patterns, a sample of the voice is captured as chromatic scale musical notes using a condenser microphone connected to a computer equipped with a sound card and an nVoice software program from Sound Health, Inc. This information is used to profile personality, situational dynamics, relationship potentials, and offer insight concerning emotional issues.

ound Presentation

Based on the results of the vocal profile, sound formulas are constructed and presented to the individual using a Self Management Audio Device (SMAD), a specialized low frequency analog tone generator, in a procedure described as tone trials. Brain wave oscillations have been measured as a range from 0 – 64 cycles per second. Tones are constructed in this range for bioacoustic sound presentation and are referred to as Brain Wave Multiples (BWM). Each tone formula is presented for 30 to 60 seconds, or in the case of muscle involvement, two minutes. Biofeedback equipment such as pulse oximeter and skin temperature gauge are used to gather objective data such as pulse rate, heart rate, temperature fluctuations, brain wave and muscle response, and resolution of symptoms. A Visual Analog Scale (VAS) is used to collect subjective feedback allowing individual reactions to be rated with minimal constraints.Once appropriate sound formulas are ascertained, they are programmed into a Square 2 tone box, a portable analog frequency generator, allowing an individual to listen privately through headphones or subwoofer. Other sound delivery methods such as an underwater speaker are also being investigated. Just as learning the words of a song or the spelling of a word is accomplished through repetition, repeated exposure to the frequency formulas is intended to entrain the body’s innate rhythmical scheme of vibrational patterns. Harmonics of the sound formula are targeted as the operative factor. Human hearing spans eleven octaves from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second and each shade of sound frequency appears to represent a precise nutrient, biochemical, structure, muscle, protein, genome, toxic compound, or pathogen. These frequency representations are known in bioacoustic therapy as frequency equivalents (FE).

ee also

*Music Therapy


Further reading

* Edwards, Sharry. Creating Sound Environments. Sound Health Resources, 1997.
* Edwards, Sharry. Bioacoustic Biology. Sound Health Resources, 2002.

External links

* [ Sharry]
* [ BioAcoustics and Sound Health for Self Health]

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