European Cockpit Association

European Cockpit Association

Infobox Union
name= ECA
country= European Union
members= 34 organisations;
38,100 pilots and flight engineers
full_name= European Cockpit Association

founded= 1991
office= Brussels, Belgium
website= []
The European Cockpit Association (ECA) is the representative body of 34 national flight crew associations in Europe, comprising over 38,100 pilots and flight engineers. It operates at European Union (EU) level.

All of ECA's member associations are also member of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA). This ensures a close coordination of activities, positions and policy statements. In 2003, both organisations agreed that pilot representation in Europe is the responsibility of ECA, mandating ECA to also act as IFALPA's European voice in bodies such as the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), EUROCONTROL and at EU intitutions. In May 2006, ECA and IFALPA deepended their cooperation by signing a comprehensive cooperation agreement. By means of this agreement, and in addition to its role as an autonomous voice of European pilots, ECA takes on the role of IFALPA's "European region", thereby representing IFALPA in Europe.

Since 2000, ECA is a recognised Social Partner in the EU's Sectoral Social Dialogue. This allows ECA to develop – jointly with European employer organisations – common positions, recommendations and agreements that can have legally binding effect throughout the EU. An example is the Agreement on Air Crew Working Time. It was developed and signed by ECA and the other European Social Partners and subsequently converted into EU-wide legislation.

tated aim

"ECA plays an active, responsible role in the further development of the air transport industry across Europe. ECA strives for an air transport industry that is above all safe and is characterized by sustainable growth.

Aviation safety is ECA's prime concern. It is best maintained with well-trained crews, along with harmonised regulations for flight crew licences, flight and duty time limitations, proper aircraft maintenance, air traffic management, employment conditions etc. "


ECA was formed in 1991 as an autonomous group of national flight crew associations, representing their members' interests at EU level. In May 1998, ECA included pilots from EFTA countries, and in 2004 Flight Crew unions from some of the new EU Member States and Turkey became ECA members. At the General Assembly in November 2005 in Athens, five pilot associations from Croatia, Slovenia, Latvia, FYROM and Serbia & Montenegro acceeded ECA.

In April 2006, the Bulgarian Airline Pilots' Association joined as a full member, and the Cockpit Personnel Association of Russia (CPAR) joined ECA as its first "associate member". In November 2006, the Estonian Airline Pilots Association joined as a full member, and the Georgian Airline Pilots Association joined as an associate member. Then, in June 2007, Hungarian Airline Pilots' Association joined as a full member. In February 2008, ECA welcomed into full membership the Lithuanian and the Maltese Airline Pilots' Associations. ECA expects further increase in membership within the wider European region.


External links

[ Official website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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