- Bird species new to science described in the 1990s
:"See also parent article
Bird species new to science "The following are the bird species described as new to science in the years
1990 to1999 :1990
:"To be completed"
Bulo Burti Boubou , "Laniarius liberatus", from Somalia*
Roviana Rail , "Gallirallus rovianae" from Roviana, Solomon Islands:Diamond, Jared M. (1991): A new species of rail from the Solomon Islands and convergent evolution of insular flightlessness. "Auk" 108(3): 461-470 [http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/v108n03/p0461-p0470.pdf PDF fulltext]:"To be completed"
buts smell
:"To be completed"
:"To be completed"
:"To be completed"
Certhia familiaris tianquanensis Li, 1995 ActaZoologicaSinican.s. 20 no.3 p.373-376 (later elevated to specific rank 2002, Journal fur Ornithologie)
:"To be completed"
Lina's Sunbird , "Aethopyga linaraborae", from Mindanao, Philippines:Kennedy, Robert S.; Gonzales, Pedro C. & Miranda, Hector C. Jr (1997): New "Aethopyga" sunbirds (Aves: Nectariniidae) from the island of Mindanao, Philippines. "Auk" 114(1): 1–10. [http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/v114n01/p0001-p0010.pdf PDF fulltext]*
Red-shouldered Vanga , "Calicalicus rufocarpalis"*
Batrachostomus pygmeus * (Podargidae):"To be completed"1998
Araripe Manakin , "Antilophia bokermanni"*
Sangihe Scops Owl , "Otus collari":Lambert, F.R. & Rasmussen, P.C. (1998): Sangihe Scops Owl "Otus collari", sp. nov.. "Bull. B. O. C." 118(4): 207-217. [http://www.globalowlproject.com/pdf/Otus-collari.pdf PDF fulltext]:"To be completed"
Jocotoco Antpitta , "Grallaria ridgelyi", from Ecuador:Krabbe, Niels; Agro, D.J.; Rice, N.H.; Jacome, M.; Navarrete, L. & Sornoza M., F. (1999): A new species of antpitta (Formicariidae: "Grallaria") from the southern Ecuadorian Andes. "Auk" 116(4): 882-890. [English with Spanish abstract] [http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/v116n04/p0882-p0890.pdf PDF fulltext]:"To be completed"
Described in this period, no longer thought to be good species
* Kenyon's Shag or Amchitka Cormorant, "Phalacrocorax kenyoni", now considered to refer to small females of thePelagic Cormorant .:Siegel-Causey, Douglas (1991): Systematics and biogeography of North Pacific shags, with a description of a new species. "Occasional Papers of the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History" 140: 1–17.:Rohwer, Sievert; Filardi, Christopher E.; Bostwick, Kimberly S. & Peterson, A. Townsend (2000): A critical evaluation of Kenyon's Shag ("Phalacrocorax" ["Stictocarbo"] "kenyoni"). "Auk" 117(2): 308–320. [http://www.cumv.cornell.edu/pdf/Rohwer_et_al_2000.pdf PDF fulltext]1995
* Mascarene Shearwater, "Puffinus atrodorsalis", now considered indistinguishable from theTropical Shearwater , "Puffinus lherminieri bailloni" (or "P. ballioni bailloni") :Shirihai, H.; Sinclair, I. & Colston, P.R. (1995): A new species of "Puffinus" shearwater from the western Indian Ocean. "Bull. B.O.C." 115: 75–87.:Austin, Jeremy J.; Bretagnolle, Vincent & Pasquet, Eric (2004): A global molecular phylogeny of the small "Puffinus" shearwaters and implications for systematics of the Little-Audubon's Shearwater complex. "Auk" 121(3): 847–864. DOI: 10.1642/0004-8038(2004)121 [0847:AGMPOT] 2.0.CO;2 [http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1642%2F0004-8038%282004%29121%5B0847%3AAGMPOT%5D2.0.CO%3B2 HTML abstract]1997
*Brigida's Woodcreeper , "Hylexetastes brigidai", now usually considered a subspecies of theRed-billed woodcreeper pending thorough study.
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