Bolbena hottentotta

Bolbena hottentotta

name =

image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Bolbena hottentotta"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Mantodea
familia = Mantoididae
genus = "Bolbena"
species = "B. hottentotta"
binomial = "Bolbena hottentotta"
binomial_authority = Karny, 1908

"Bolbena hottentotta" or "Bolbena (Bolbena) hottentotta", common name Hottentot Mantis, is a species of praying mantis found in Angola, Kenya, and Namibia. [ [] Texas A&M University] It is a tiny mantis species in which nymphs are only about 2.5 mm long and adult females grow to only 15mm long. This species has recently been introduced to cultivation but are still very rare and are raised by only a handful of breeders. [ [] Bolbena hottentotta the smallest species in captivity] [ [] "Solygia sulcatifrons" (20 cm) and "Bolbena hottentotta" (12 mm)]

ee also

*List of mantis genera and species


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