Peder Strand Rygh

Peder Strand Rygh

Peder Strand Rygh (1800 - 1868) was a Norwegian politician.

He was elected to the Norwegian Parliament in 1839, 1842, 1845, 1851, 1854, 1857, 1862 and 1865, representing the rural constituency of "Nordre Trondhjems Amt" (today named Nord-Trøndelag). He worked as a bailiff, and later bank director. [ Peder Strand Rygh] — Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD) ]

He hailed from Verdalen. [ [ Trøndelag i rikspolitikken] ] Together with Ingeborg Marie Bentsen (1809-1878) he had the son Oluf Rygh, who was a historian. [ [ Oluf Rygh] ]


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