

:"Not to be confused with Thorp."Tharp is a surname, and may refer to:
*Aran Tharp (b. 1977), American avant-garde musician
*John Tharp (1744–1804), Jamaican property owner
*Kenneth Tharp (contemporary), English dance artist
*Marie Tharp (1920–2006), American geologist and oceanographer
*Reynold Tharp (b. 1973), American composer
*Taylor Tharp (b. 1984), American professional football player
*Twyla Tharp (b. 1941), American dancer and choreographer
*Van K. Tharp (b. 1949), American traders’ coach and author
*William Tharp (1803–1865), American politician from Delaware; governor of Delaware 1947–51

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  • Tharp — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: John Tharp (1736–1804), britischer Pflanzer und Sklavenhalter auf Jamaika Marie Tharp (* 1920), US amerikanische Wissenschaftlerin Twyla Tharp (* 1941), US amerikanische Choreografin und Ballettmeisterin… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tharp —   [θɑːp], Twyla, amerikanische Tänzerin und Choreographin, * Portland (Indiana) 1. 7. 1942; studierte u. a. bei Martha Graham, A. Nikolais, M. Cunningham und P. Taylor, bevor sie 1965 ein vorwiegend aus Tänzerinnen bestehendes Ensemble gründete;… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Tharp — noun innovative United States dancer and choreographer (born in 1941) • Syn: ↑Twyla Tharp • Instance Hypernyms: ↑dancer, ↑professional dancer, ↑terpsichorean, ↑choreographer * * * [THärp] Twyla, (1941 ) U.S. dancer and choreographer. She… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tharp — (1942– ) a US dancer and choreographer. She has created more than 80 dances, including Push Comes to Shove (1976) for Mikhail Baryshnikov. She also designed the dances for several films, including Hair and Amadeus (1984). Tharp has worked with… …   Universalium

  • Tharp,Twyla — Tharp (thärp), Twyla. Born 1941. American dancer and choreographer whose works, such as Deuce Coupe (1973), combine jazz, tap, ballet, and modern dance. * * * …   Universalium

  • Tharp, Twyla — born July 1, 1941, Portland, Ind., U.S. U.S. dancer, director, and choreographer. She danced with Paul Taylor s company from 1963 to 1965, when she formed her own troupe and began to choreograph works such as Deuce Coupe (1973), Push Comes to… …   Universalium

  • Tharp, Marie — ▪ 2007       American oceanographic cartographer (b. July 30, 1920, Ypsilanti, Mich. d. Aug. 23, 2006, Nyack, N.Y.), pioneered ocean floor mapping, which provided crucial support for the acceptance of seafloor spreading and continental drift.… …   Universalium

  • Tharp, Twyla — (n. 1 jul. 1941, Portland, Ind., EE.UU.). Bailarina, directora y coreógrafa estadounidense. Bailó en la compañía de Paul Taylor de 1963 a 1965; después formó su propio grupo y empezó a componer la coreografía de obras como Deuce Coupe (1973),… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Tharp — biographical name Twyla 1942 American dancer, director, & choreographer …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Twyla Tharp — ➡ Tharp * * * …   Universalium

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