Lucia Zorzi

Lucia Zorzi

Lucia Zorzi (born 10 December 1961) is a television writer, producer and consultant.


She is a professional television writer, producer and consultant with eighteen years experience, specialized in news and entertainment programs. She works mostly for Rai, the Italian State Television. Her leading experience has been abroad where she has produced live segments for italian tv programmes (France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Spain, Norway, Svalbard Islands, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Brazil, Florida, Arizona).After getting the Bachelor in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Ca' Foscari - Venice, she became part of the Society of Professional Journalists. She is based in Milan, Italy.

Television (1990-2008)

Scalo76, Raidue

Quelli che il calcio e... Raidue

Dodicesimo Round, Raidue

Le invasioni barbariche, La7

Severgnini alle 10, Sky TG24

Markette, La7

Cambio Moglie, Fox Life

La Grande Notte del Lunedi', Raidue

Destinazione Sanremo, Raidue

L'Italia sul 2, Raidue

Sereno Variabile, Raidue

Prima Serata, La7

Sanremo 2001, Raiuno
Beautiful Day, a special edition about U2, Raidue

La Festa della Mamma, Raiuno

L'Ultimo Valzer, Raidue

Tutti in una Notte, Raiuno

Dove sono i Pirenei?, Raitre

Mi Manda Lubrano, Raitre


Director for teasers Quizzolotto/Lottomatica

Film Documentary

Co-writer and Producer of 45’documentary ”Lapland: Paths to the Wind,” aired by Italian state broadcaster Rai in 2001. English version distributed by Janson Media, New York.


Lapponia: Taccuini Sami, Todaro Editore, Lugano, 2000

Retrovisioni: Diario Tv, Esedra, Padova, 1998

Taccuini d'Irlanda, Todaro Editore, Lugano, 1998

Poesie di Luigi Chiereghin, edited by Lucia Zorzi, Edizioni Del Leone, Venezia, 1995

External links

* [ Le Invasioni Barbariche]
* [ Quelli che il calcio e...]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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