Antun Šoljan

Antun Šoljan

Antun Šoljan (Dec 1, 1932 - July 12, 1993), a Croatian writer in a period of Cold War, appeared as a part of literal magazine "Krugovi" (Circles, from 1952 onwards). He wrote four novels: "Kratki izlet" (A Short Trip), "Luka" (The Harbour), "Drugi ljudi na mjesecu" (The Other Folks on The Moon) and "Izdajice" (Traitors). He wrote novels under the influence of existentialism, about the alienation of modern man. He is one of the most prominent Croatian authors of jeans prosewhat (see also Catcher in the rye by J. D. Salinger).


* "Vodič kroz lektire za srednju školu", Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997.

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